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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 26 April 2021

Edge of Wonder Radio with Ambé Ray and Orionne Randal

Edge of Wonder Radio with Ambé Ray and Orionne Randal
Ambé Ray and Orionne Randal

Navigating the Journey of Conscious Evolution

Who am I? Where am I going and what is the best way to get there? These are questions that people are asking like never before as the world as we know it radically shifts and changes at an accelerated pace. Old systems and structures are breaking down, the environment is dramatically changing as an awakening humanity straddles the edges of our own self discovery. In essence, planet earth and humanity are experiencing an evolutionary leap like never before and it is affecting every aspect of our waking and dreaming life. In the words of Barbara Marx Hubbard, ”Conscious Evolution is the worldview that has arisen precisely at this moment in history to deal with the new human condition. It is a vision and a direction to help us navigate through this transitional period to the next stage of human evolution. “  The Edge of Wonder Radio is poised in the heart of this moment, open, curious, fascinated and in discovery of the many options and opportunities being catalyzed by the new energies of this time. We are birthing ourselves as part of a Divine New Humanity in full discovery of who we are as a brand new possibility.

How will you to choose to create your precious an wild self as you surf the waves of infinite potentiality as the creator and master of your life? The Edge of Wonder Radio Show is an open forum inviting our listeners to explore with the leading evolutionary pioneers of our time the many compelling options for creating a greater than imagined life.

Join us bi-weekly as we navigate through the many jewal-like facets of conscious evolution.

Talk Radio Show Program Information Displays

Orionne Randal

Ambé Ray
Radio Talk Show Host, Priestess, Holistic Health Educator, Intuitive, Minister

Ambé Ray C.M.T., C.Y.T., H.H.C

Ambé Ray is a Priestess of conscious evolution. Her passion for personal and planetary awakening has lead her to over eighteen years of practicing and teaching Fluid Wave Yoga, Integrative Healing, Expressive and Transformational Arts throughout the world. She is a trained and Certified Wholistic Health Educator, Bio-Energetic Intuitive, Life Path Consultant, Ordained Minister, and Chi Nei Tsang (Internal Organ Massage) Therapist. Ambe and her husband Orionne are the founders of Wisdom Body Technologies and guide worldwide Transformational Experiential Workshops. Most recently, Ambe has completed her second year with the Foundation for A New Humanity. She and her husband live in Ashland, Oregon where she is completing a book on the Grail and the Re-emergence of the Sacred Feminine.

Orionne Randal
Radio Talk Show Host, Earth Steward, Transformational and Integrative Arts

Orionne Randal C.M.T, N.M.T Natural Home Builder

Orionne Randal expresses his foundational essence of bringing divinity into form through his specialties in Transformational and Integrative Arts. Over the last two years Orionne has trained with The Foundation for A New Humanity and is passionate about discovering the life-giving pearls. His natural wisdom of embodied presence transmits evolutionary options from the inside out. As an Earth Steward, Orionne offers support through meditation, organic gardening, natural building, and social architecture. He keeps the home fire burning with his beloved Ambe in Ashland, Oregon with whom he is the co-founder of Wisdom Body Technologies, and Co-facilitator of Experiential workshops and trainings.