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Upcoming Headlined Shows

Headlined Show, The War Report on Public Education November 19, 2017
Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. for a deeper look at education and educators and how they are or are not a…
Headlined Show, Live From Pullman National Monument November 19, 2017
Listen To LIVE FROM PNM Sunday November 19, 2017, where there is always informative, and interesting conversation about Cultural Economic…
Headlined Show, John Barbours World November 27, 2017
PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS joins John Barbour and JP Sottile.
Headlined Show, Why Life Is... November 17, 2017
Advanced Consciousness Series: Quantum Field Physics and the Antahkarana
Headlined Show, Rockin Talk November 16, 2017
We will be discussing upcoming events with the Tony Ferrel Allstar Band.  And believe me, the musicians in this band are truly…
Headlined Show, Zeta Global Radio ZGR November 18, 2017
50 years ago this week, a Mexican Immigrant lost his life in America by saving another. She was white and pregnant. In a world fueled by…
Headlined Show, On The Level November 15, 2017
This week is the 2nd part of the series 'Hollywood Controversy'. Last week it was about Weinstein.  This week, JLouis puts the Kevin…
Headlined Show, Cameron Live November 17, 2017
I will pose a question about Our Upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday. What are you thankful for?  The latest UFO News. We will have Ken…
Headlined Show, Insight Out...the Naked Truth November 14, 2017
Rochelle and I are kind of like the mailman--through -through storm and sleet, biting dogs and pounds of junk mail...we keep on…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live November 19, 2017
Releasing Doubt & Confusion! Forever! You’ve been there! You are feeling confident and ready to move forward with someone or some “…