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Take Back the Nation Rally: August 5, 2020 on Parliament Hill, Ottawa

Resist the Police State and Reclaim our Country!
Take Back the Nation Rally
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
12:30 pm
Parliament Hill, Ottawa
Join us for a Flag Raising, Speeches, Music and Joyful Defiance!
Sponsored by the Republic of Kanata under its protective jurisdiction
On August 5, patriots from across the country will gather on Parliament Hill to say No to Tyranny. The flag of the Republic will be raised and a Proclamation of Independence will be read establishing a new jurisdiction of liberty.
In the face of a growing corporate dictatorship, dozens of communities across our land are forming their own Republican Peoples' Assemblies to take back the governance and wealth of the nation for all the people. 
Join our grassroots revolution today! Help us create change rather than ask for it! 

For information see and


To volunteer or to become a citizen of the Republic contact: 


For updates listen to The Voice of the Republic every Sunday at 6 pm eastern on  .