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The Shift to Superconsciousness Conference is hosted by Dr Lana Love and Det David Love of the popular talk radio show Universal Soul Love

Dr Lana Love and Det Love hosts of Unversal Soul on the BBS Radio Network present The Shift to Super Consciousness Teleconference event.  

When: Sunday, November 11th 2018 at 9:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Time 

This teleconference event will be live- streamed by the BBS Radio Network on Facebook.

To attend this exciting teleconference event, just go to the BBS Radio's Facebook page by clicking the following link at the above date and time. 

This link will take you directly to the live broadcast.

The SuperConsciousness Project is an endeavor of Universal Soul Love pioneered by Dr Lana Love and Det David Love.

This one-day online teleconference event will present the exponential power of collective consciousness or the "mass mind" in manifesting reality. Our world renown speakers will also demonstrate spirit communication through mediumship and channeling. 

Our speakers will also provide practical information and exercises on how to develop the incredible psychic talent that lies latent in all human beings. This phenomenal personal power is available to anyone who desires to unleash it. 

During the event our presenters will be giving a demonstration of how a Superconsciousness Catalyst Group can generate a massive amount of energy to manifest phenomenal results in the world. We will also demonstrate how this "Mass Mind" collective power can be used to dissolve past traumas on a large scale.

The speaker line-up includes: 

- Hosts Det David Love & Dr Lana Love 

- Special Co-hosts Rebekah Renee and

  Patrick McCormick


Introduction to the Conference

9:00am - Alchemist Mystique - 9:00am (After the introduction)

10:00am - Patrick McCormick & Rebekah Renee - 10:00am

11:00am - Dr Edwige

11:30 - First Catalyst Group Session demonstrationon on manifesting reality with David, Lana, Edwige, Michele, Patrick, and Rebekah

12:00 Noon - Michele Meiche

1:00pm - Susan Glynn

2:00pm - Lauren Weiss

3:00pm - Gary Leigh

4:30pm - Catalyst Group Session demonstration on healing past traumas, mass truamic events, collapsing/dissolving timelines (and creating new future outcomes) with David, Lana, Gary, Jacqui, Rebekah, and Patrick.

4:00pm - Jacqui Boyd

5:00pm - Closing Thoughts


The SCP is led by Catalyst Group Leaders who form powerful collectives with Consciousness Co-Creators (around the world) to assist humanitarian workers in their mission to improve the condition of humanity and the planet.

The SuperConsciousness Project (SCP) is a coordinated global effort to raise the conscious vibration of humanity and manifest positive change in the world.

The SCP is led by Catalyst Group Leaders who form powerful collectives with conscious co-creators (around the world) to assist humanitarian workers in their mission to improve the condition of humanity and the planet.

Catalyst Groups can be described as a spiritual collective that channels the vital life force, resulting in an exponential increase in their power to manifest a desired outcome.

Catalyst Groups are high level spiritual gatherings designed to:

1. Awaken humanity to its condition 

2. Raise the planetary vibration of the planetary consciousness to a higher level. 

3. Intentionally manifest positive change in the world.

The first Superconsciousness Catalyst Group experiment was conducted at Adam's Calendar in South Africa with Michael Tellinger (author of Slave Species of the Gods) in September 2018.

Please join us in our transformational ascension sessions as we endeavor to create the New Earth Paradigm.

You can also visit our Facebook Event Page where you find the presenters personal bios: