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Kevin Annett live on the air three times this weekend (Canada, Scotland globally)

Hi everyone. Just a reminder that I do three important radio programs this weekend:

First, for Vancouver Island and BC listeners, I am on CHLY radio 101.7 FM in Nanaimo tomorrow, Saturday January  27th, at 11 am pacific time. In this third interview in a series, host Bob Hansen and I will discuss the local censorship of the murder of native children, where and how the ongoing genocide originated, the illegitimacy of the "crown" and its laws in Canada, and the rise of the new Republic of Kanata. Here's the link to CHLY: . I'll send you a copy of the program if you can't access it there, just let me know.

Second, the next day, this Sunday January 28, and for Scottish and UK listeners, I am on Freedom Talk Radio Scotland with host Andy Peacher at 11 am pacific, 2 pm eastern, 7 pm GMT. We'll delve more into the common law movement, arresting child traffickers and raising up the Scottish and English republics. 

And finally, my regular Here We Stand program on Sunday at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 11 pm GMT at My guest will be state-targeted BC journalist Merv Richie and his knowledge of the RCMP involvement with disappearing native people. Plus an online mini-tutorial on making citizen arrests, convening courts and other fun things.

Be there! 
