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2020 Radio Show Schedule

Don’t Panic It’s Organic -the Radio show

2020 Radio Show Schedule

This year, we are going to read and work directly from my latest book

“Dont Panic Its Organic”

It is highly recommended that you obtain the book. It is free here in pdf format

or you can buy it  from Amazon  here

or directly from my website here

We will be doing each chapter in detail.

I will go over each chapter of my book plus more! Feel free to submit any questions at least one week before the show you have a question. It is ok if you have a question after hearing a show. All you need to do is to please reference the date of the show along with your question. All questions are answered in the following week show. This is just a tentative schedule and will be changed and added to as needed.

Jan  month dates are approximate and may over full to next month.

1. Intro 

2. Preface 

3. No Difference between Organically Grown food and Chemically Grown food? 

4. The Mycelium Intelligence 

5. Environmental Alert show

6. Guest   to be announced


7. Vegetable Gardening Guide 

8. Organic Fruit Tree Care 

9. Natural Tree Care 

10. Making the Organic Transition

11.Guest   to be announced

12. Environmental Alert show


13. Brix:  What is it and how is it important? 

14. Compost 

15. Natural Disease Control 

16. The Invisible Gardeners’ Kitchen 

17. Guest   to be announced

18. Environmental Alert show


19. Don’t Panic It's Natural? 

20. The Invisible Gardener's 7 R's 

21. Mulch 

22. Natural Weed Control 

23. Guest   to be announced

24. Environmental Alert show


25. Natural Pest Control 

26. Natural Ant Control 

27. You have Snails! 

28. Natural Flea and Tick Control

29. Guest   to be announced

30. Environmental Alert show

31. Underground Pest Control 

32. Natural Rose Care 

33. Natural Foliar Spraying Methods 

34. Natural Lawn Care 

35. Guest   to be announced

36. Environmental Alert show

Invisible Gardener Services revealed

I will go over each of my services from natural soil care to nthe natural spraying services I provide.

Soil Testing will be covered in details. Expect soil professionals as guests

Rock Dust will be covered this month. Expect rock dust professionals as guests.

The Body and the  Garden shows will be repeated this month. Expect Doctors who are also gardeners to be guests this month.

Organic fertilizers will be covered this month. Expect organic fertilizer professionals to be guests this month.

This month is opened

You will be getting One environmental alert show per month. 


I am working on getting us one guest per month.

If you think you have something to offer and would like to be a guest, please email me.
Everything is fluid so stay tuned to your monthly newsletter. It will be published the 1st day of each month with details for that month.

Looking forward to helping everyone to Heal The Earth!

andy Lopez

The Invisible Gardener