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Christmas is not just a time for Christians to celebrate the birth of their savior. It is also the perfect time to celebrate the Christ in everyone.


Christmas is not just a time for Christians to celebrate the birth of their savior. It is also the perfect time to celebrate the Christ in everyone.  To be Christian is to walk the path of the Christ. So, in Satsang terms, it is to walk in this physical life from the vantage point of Christed consciousness, which is how Jeshua served as such a powerful example for us all.

You ARE the Christ already, but you don't experience it when you are identified with the beliefs and the karma drama of the personal self. Sitting behind that persona, patiently waiting, is your divine essence, which has never been marred by anything in any of your lifetimes here in physicality. It remains as you are...beginningless, endless, formless, single, being, knowledge, bliss.

When you are truly in your heart, you emanate Christ are the Christ. There is nothing to become, as you are already that.

Take time this holiday season to look for the divine in others. See past the actions, see through the personality, and see the God essence that sits behind all of it. Celebrate that essence in everyone.

Many blessings to you all,

Shusara Akona Kumara