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All of our creations are our babies. Whether you're planting a garden, writing a novel, putting together a fishtank, or building a house, you are utilizing your creative energy to give birth to something physically.

How do you bring your desires into form?

All of our creations are our babies.  Whether you're
planting a garden, writing a novel, putting together a fishtank, or building
a house, you are utilizing your creative energy to give birth to something physically.


How do you bring your desires into form? 


I looked at the process of giving birth from the standpoint
of Consciousness, and these are the steps:  




first, love

second, weave patterns together

third, narrow focus these patterns so they become

forth, from the woven patterns, density becomes matter
within the boundaries of time and space

fifth, matter, an embodiment of love, gestates in
a pool of perceptions

sixth, when it’s time is ripe, matter emerges into
the storyline to weave it’s own story and patterns.


That last part, the sixth step, applies more to human
beings but if you think about it, your fishtank or garden does have it's
own storyline. My fishtank was supposed to be populated with 9 fish, eight
gold or red, and one black, but the first fish I put in there turned out
to be pregnant so within a week I had 20 little black fish. It took a few
months before I got the right combination in there. It had it's own storyline
beyond my agenda/intention for it!


This week, I was meditating on bringing a desire into
form, tuning into it as a thought and imagining it becoming dense. And I
caught myself - instead of bringing in new energy, as it became dense, I
was focusing on what I did NOT want to create!


In other words, I was focusing on all the things that
hadn't worked in the past, rather than this new idea I wanted to create.


Has this ever happened to you? You apply all the Law
of Attraction or the Secret techniques and instead of getting what you want,
you get a repeat of the same old stuff.


I manifested my current husband in nine weeks, by
very deliberately stating what I *wanted* in a relationship. Any time my
thoughts strayed to a list of complaints about my exes, I'd metaphorically
grab myself by the ears and make counteracting statements! 


When you work on consciously creating a dream or desire,
*don't* focus on making them dense! *DO* narrow your focus to exactly what
you want (leaving room for your Consciousness aspect of yourself to bring
it in more perfectly or greater than you can imagine)!


Realize that your perceptions color or shape your
manifestation, so release limited or distorted ones!


Try this for the next 7 days and see what happens!


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