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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 April 2021

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Advanced Consciousness Series Reincarnation and Karma Inside and Out

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Teachers, Teachers Unions, and the Charter School War Please join Internet radio host Dr. James…

Dan Christensen
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DAN CHRISTENSEN - Editor and Founder of Florida Bulldog is 9-11 radio host Jon Gold's guest as he…

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John Dean - author, columnist, commentator and former counsel to President Richard Nixon speaks to…

Neil Gaur Founder of Portal to Ascension
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Detective David Love conducts an inspiring and impromptu guest interview with spiritual events…

Medea Benjamin
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This week our guest will be Medea Benjamin, author and American political activist and co-founder…

Is That A Fact?
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Since the whole issue of “facts” seems to be in question these days, we thought that the phrase “…

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James Gilliland discusses up to date news & info regarding the multi-dimensional universe…

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The War Report on Education 2016- 2017 - An Assessment Please join Internet radio host Dr. James…

Cameron Datzker
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We will have live in studio Celebrity Hypnotherapist Carmela Tunzi, Also, We will have in studio,…