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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 18 April 2021

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Jason Harney on Responder Resilience
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In this episode of Responder Resilience, we delve into the world of impactful filmmaking with Jason…

Dr. Robert Weil
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Chance Rodriquez, Co- Founder & CEO of NY based ‘Populate’ helping Podiatrists,…

Jason Patton on Responder Resilience
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Get ready to meet firefighter/paramedic Jason Patton, the creative genius behind Fire Department…

“An evocative image showcasing the outline of North Carolina, crafted from the words ‘North Carolina, DSS’, against a backdrop of a desolate playground with a single disheveled child. This illustration underscores the failure of the Department of Social Services in North Carolina to uphold the welfare of the children it is meant to protect. The neglected appearance of the child and the dilapidated setting symbolize the broader issue of systemic neglect and failure within the child welfare system. The state

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Dr. Robert Weil
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Dr. Hutan Ghojallu, Chiropractic Physician specializing in Upper Cervical treatment joins me along…

Angel Talk with Jim Young and Sandy Young
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Title:  To Be Healed Is To Be Made Whole When we hurt or have a physical issue in the body at…

Fascism by any other name and Understanding Trump and the thing that excreted him

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Eduardo Ferrer
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DC kids trapped in a cycle of Violence Policy Director, Juvenile Justice Initiative  - …

Dr. Frances Rahaim
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How many politicians does it take to solve a $22 trillion Social Security deficit? Established in…