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Article by Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer August 7, 2016

Mas Sajady on "The Awakening of Pure Loving Relationships"
"The Awakening of Pure Loving Relationships"

From "The Awakening of Love Summer 2016 Tele-seminar Series" join host Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer and guest Success Energizer Mas Sajady on "The Awakening of Pure Loving Relationships" .

Host Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer talks with Mas Sajady on "The Awakening of Pure Loving Relationships" this Tues, August 9 at 5-6 pm Pacific/8-9 pm Eastern on BBS Radio, Station 1! Don’t miss this special hour with Mas Sajady!

The quest for love is universal, yet the quest for love is often complicated by distortions we picked up from our families of origin. Were you abused? Were you abandoned? Were your parents addicts? Were your parents' parents' abused, abandoned, or addicted? If yes, you may be living a life that is driven by energetic distortions that keep away pure love.

If we never experienced pure love in childhood, is it possible for us to attract it, identify it, and experience it as adults?

Success Energizer Mas Sajady has helped thousands of people with similar stories. After his second Near Death Experience, Mas was gifted with astonishing healing and intuitive abilities. He doesn't claim to have the power to heal. Instead, he acts as the conduit for pure energy to connect you with the healing that comes from a higher energy field. As Mas so often says, "Change your frequency, change your life."

As he teaches, "Life experiences aren't here to destroy us; they're here to open us up." If you're ready, we invite you to join Sheryl and Mas for a powerful hour that will include a group medihealing (as Mas calls, it, a "meditation on steroids") and more. Visit his website at


The registration link for the EI Meaningful Relationship Activation (below) is active as is the 50% discount code LOVE.

(The Exponential Intelligence Meaningful Relationship Activation is an .mp3 that is yours to download, keep and listen to as often as you like.  Many people like to play Mas’ recordings at low volume on a loop while they are doing other things (including sleeping).  The Exponential Intelligence Meaningful Relationship Activation is available to our community at a 50% discount when you enter the word LOVE on the order form.  This special offer is available until 10 October 2016.)

Note from Sheryl: I've hosted radio shows and teleseminars since 2008 and have had the pleasure of interviewing many important healers and spiritual teachers. This hour with Mas Sajady is very special to me. I experienced a life altering stroke in March of 2012; I won't bore you with the details of all I'd lost. I began working with Mas after listening to him on a teleseminar about six months after the stroke, and I continue to work with him today. People who knew my limited abilities in 2012 are amazed by my recovery to date. I don't believe I'd be hosting radio today if I hadn't listened to that teleseminar in 2012.  I am deeply grateful for having recovered enough of my radio chops to feel confident in my ability to effectively host the man whose work has helped me return to the land of the living.  Thank you, Mas, from my heart.

Word of Caution:  Some people may experience some "detox" symptoms after listening to Mas.  And for some, the paradigm shift may be too great.  Do not take part if you are not ready for rapid transformation in your life

Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer