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Article by KarenSchoen August 25, 2015

TRUMP: You're Hired

So much Trump much information, WHAT do we believe?


So much Trump much information, WHAT do we believe?

Between 1967 - 2000, I lived in NJ and worked in NYC and NJ. I was a business owner and teacher.

I was a liberal Dem...because that was the only way to get business and networking connections done.  No one knows better how awful the liberal policies are than someone who was part of that system.  We were lied to, yet we were believers - because that was how business was done. NYC is the biggest indoctrination clinic on the East Coast. The UN is always sending propaganda to the schools. Those liberals are Progressives.

Today, I am a conservative activist, basically because I know what Progressives do, how they do it and I know what it is.  When I first started out and called everything Communism, I was laughed at continually told I was not PC. So am I not a Conservative because I once was a Liberal?  People under 30's are liberal, but after 40 when you actually work and realize you really need to save for retirement, you are Conservative.  Why do we even need those labels?  We are all Americans.

Donald Trump is a businessman. His goal is to WIN. I believe he realizes that if America fails, he will fail along with it. He HATES to fail.  Would we not be better off hitching our wagon to a winner, rather than a loser?

Does it matter if he became a conservative?  He is on a mission to make America Great. Do we agree on all of the issues? Will you ever find a perfect candidate? I think not.

I would rather be riding on the coattails of a winner.

He believes that if U.S. Borders were closed, and entitlements to illegals were stopped most would LEAVE! (remember, self deport). If illegal criminals were deported, trade agreements were restructured, Common Core was gone, and business-killing regulations were eliminated in the economy...America will become b again.

Once America thrives, the American military will be b and all of the other issues will be easier to solve.

Trump opened the line of communication and woke the silent majority. He did something no one else ever did for years.

He energized the people. 

"The Honey Badger"

He listened, analyzed, stuck his neck out, said his piece...

and didn't back down!

One thing we know, he will not lead from behind.

He is a very successful businessman.

To get to his spot, you sometimes make uncomfortable, hard decisions.

But at least he makes decisions.

You will learn that "The Donald"...

does not fit the standard mold!

Below are some videos about Trump.

As a private developer, he should ask for all that he can.  The corruption stems from the politicians who gave him what he asked for.  What better person to expose the corruption - than one who was part of the story?

The first is his book,  the "Art of the Deal."

This video shows you how Trump negotiates, how he feels about renewable energy and man made global warming. 

This documentary on Donald Trump entitled “Donald Trump: What’s the Deal?” was commissioned by Leonard Stern in 1988 and was filmed between 1988 and 1991. The documentary had two screenings but was suppressed by Donald Trump who threatened to sue Leonard Stern and his associates. YOUTUBE LINK:

I am glad Trump is running. He bought conversation to the table. Last week I went out to dinner with some friends. Our conversation is usually about anything but politics, but this time it was ALL about politics.  It was a stimulating conversation. 

Trump rekindled the idea of the American Spirit while making candid speaking IN, and PC out. It is OK to talk about politics and religion. I don't love everything he says or does, but I believe he WILL help Make America Great Again.

His ego won't let him do anything else. The crowd in Mobile, AL was one of the most energized crowd at a political rally.  It was wonderful to see Americans shouting USA, USA! again.  Americans have the answers. We just need a LEADER. Donald Trump's passion and ability to lead provides the momentum TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT, AGAIN!

Donald Trump thinks outside the box. He is creative and gets a thrill out of problem- solving. Wow, is that refreshing!

Are his decisions correct? Not all of the time.  He has zeroed-in on America's serious problems.  He will solve them.  Will we like all of the solutions? I doubt it.  Will America have a wall?  Will the American economy thrive?  Will illegals stop getting America's jobs and entitlements?  Will trade deals be renegotiated or reneged on?  There is no way of knowing.

However, we do know that doing the same thing over again and expecting different results is insane.  Are you insane? Or are you willing to "Break the Mold", and do something different to achieve results?

In Liberty,

Karen Schoen


BOYCOTT these businesses, DON'T BUY FROM THEM!



From companies moving U.S. jobs outside of the companies using aborted Fetal Cells in your food. There are a slew of NEW companies to add to the Boycott list!

Companies - Donald Trump:

  • 5 Rabbit Cerveceria
  • Badia Spices
  • Carrera Jeans
  • Chi Hair Care
  • Dorya furniture company
  • ELK lighting
  • ESPN and Sponsors
  • Farouk Systems
  • The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce & sister organizations
  • Midtown Doral
  • NYC Academy
  • PAWA Dominican Airlines
  • PVH clothing
  • NASCAR & their Sponsors - Stop shopping NASCAR! Don't watch NASCAR on TV.
  • NBC Universal & Sponsors - Pull Trump because he told the truth - Stop watching NBC!
  • Macys - Not selling Trump Clothing Line - Stop shopping Macys!
  • Ora TV
  • PGA
  • Serta -Stopped supplying Trump mattresses for his hotels, Don't buy Serta!
  • Televisa - Pull Trump because he told the truth - Stop watching TELEVISIA!
  • Univision Communications Inc. & Sponsors - Trump calls for Boycott by anyone "who wants b borders and good trade deals for the U.S."

Companies that have SOLD OUT the American People:

  • ABC / Family  and their TV sponsors from 7pm to 10pm Daily
  • Allure – Architectural Digest – Ars Technical
  • Bon Appetit
  • Brides
  • Conde Nast Traveler
  • Conde Nast/Advance Publications
  • Details Epicurious – Glamour
  • Dorya furniture company
  • Disneyland, Disney World, The Walt Disney Company
  • ESPN and their Sponsors
  • Golf Digest – Golf World – GQ
  • Lucky – The New Yorker
  • Teen Vogue, Vogue, W, Wired
  • Vanity Fair

Call or email them, and tell them Our Statement - To Be Shared:

"Because of Your public and corporate stance, it is totally opposite of my American, Religious and Moral Beliefs!  It is because of this, that I will not patronize your Business any longer.  I will also be encouraging all my friends and family NOT to use your Products and Services any longer as well."

- - - - - - - "We Will Feed The Beast NO MORE!" - - - - - - -

OBEY is the only thing that the Regime understands. So FEED THE BEAST NO MORE.

Douglas Newsom

25 August 2015

Interesting read! Thank you!