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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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The Hillary Raimo Show Guest, Leonard Horowitz December 18, 2019

LEONARD GEORGE HOROWITZ (a.k.a., Dr. Len Horowitz) D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., D.N.M., D.M.M, decrypted “The Real da Vinci Code” in 2007, resulting in a music industry revolution–the “LOVE528Revolution.” The world renowned celebrity became famous for his “paradigm shattering” mathematical and metaphysical revelations, explaining their implications and promise for world health, peace, and sustainability.

Then, suddenly, he began to be attacked by “trolls” working for BigPharma and the global elite–rogue minions abusing the U.S. National Security Agency, CIA, and FBI, invested in the status quo of war economies, media persuasion, mass deception, and global “omnicide.”

Undaunted, with the help of his friends, especially journalist Sherri Kane, Horowitz continued to herald the suppressed solutions to humanity’s gravest tragedies through “the music that can set everyone free.” This, he explains, provides We The People our best chance to gain optimal geopolitical and spiritual freedom.

“The petrochemical/pharmaceutical cartel doesn’t vibe to the music of love,” he says, proposing to cure the world’s pollution, medical intoxication, economic recession, and social/cultural degeneration.  Dr. Len Horowitz is a knighted Ambassador for the World Organization for Natural Medicine, ordained by Prince Michael of Russia, and appointed by officials of the Sovereign Orthodox Order of Knights Hospitaller (the Russian branch, not the Maltese branch) to advance the “Clinics For Humanity Project,” brainchild of Dame Commander,  Dr. Sheila McKenzie, the Grand Priory of the Humanitarian Medical Order of Knight Hospitallers of North America.

Since publishing 17 books and producing 5 documentary films, Dr. Horowitz has become a favorite on YouTube, and launched his own television channel (on Vimeo) and radio network with his partner in love and business, journalist and health activist, Sherri Kane.
Over the past 30 years Dr. Horowitz has come full-circle, beginning and triumphing in natural healing. As a “World Leading Intellectual,” christened “The King David of Natural Healing” for his BigPharma-indicting award-winning books, DVDs, CDs and documentary films, he has exposed the drug cartel’s medical mischief more than anyone alive.
In 2007, the same year he decrypted Leonardo da Vinci’s real “daVinci CODE,” and stirred up a hornets nest of attacks by intelligence operatives worldwide to discredit him, Horowitz was credited by Barack Obama’s controversial minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, for proving to most reasonable people that HIV/AIDS was a laboratory creation and genocidal imposition.

ABOUT 'Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional?

Dr. Horowitz believes that his shocking book is being censored for his having reprinted U.S. Government/National Institutes of Health NIH)/NCI contracts proving AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses were irrefutably genetically engineered using crude mutation techniques in biowarfare and vaccine development labs during the 1960s and early 1970s, a claim that Robert Gallo denied, despite Horowitz having Gallo’s incriminating contract(s).

The Public Health Minister, and foreign Ambassador is charging the Western news media, and complicit parties at the CIA, with the high crime of treason, under Title 18 USC §2381, for violating First and Fourteenth Amendments civil rights, including freedom of the press, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act for monopolizing urgent media resources required to save lives, and Section 405(v) of The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006, prohibiting “inside traitors” in the pharmaceutical industry from conspiring to fix markets and products brought to market to save lives–matters of organized white collar crime and racketeering activities that dovetail into a U.S. District Court case that the doctor recently moved from the Third Circuit Court of Hawaii to the federal venue in Honolulu. In that lawsuit, the doctor is counterclaiming millions of dollars in damages from a CIA-linked conspiracy to steal his property, libel his professionalism, censor his humanitarian accomplishments, and discredit Judeo-Christian and Muslim religions in order to advance an illegal international drug trafficking enterprise featuring the hallucinogenic drug “DMT” to “experience God.”

“Jurors will need to adjudge the transparency of the NSA/CIA/media conspiracy to defame me, censor my books and films, steal my properties, destroy my family, and ruin my businesses and professional relationships, as a ‘protection racket’ for Big Pharma and the War Cartel,” Dr. Horowitz said.

He added, “This conspiracy is appalling beyond words. Among the ‘smoking guns’ we have witnessed and evidenced is the fact that this censorship is ongoing, organized, and internationally deadly. This frightening, extortionate, and murderous commercial crime is best defined legally as  ‘racketeering in genocide.’”  The National Security Agency (NSA) and CIA’s policy has been to censor and discredit their targets, smearing them as “conspiracy theorists,” and threatening whistleblowers’ lives and livelihoods in retaliation for commercial losses suffered by investors in the Drug/War/Energy/Banking Cartel that has repeatedly put profits before people, murdering millions. These industrialists controlling Wall Street, Capitol Hill, the Intelligence Industry, the Mainstream Media, and public beliefs, attitudes, and actions, are “criminal psychopaths,” according to Dr. Horowitz’s evidence, reasoning, and common sense. They kill millions of people under the rationale of “collateral damage”–that some people, they argue, are expendable to secure the “greater good,” “National Security,” and the Global Economy.”

The fallacy in this reasoning and racketeering is that animals do not kill for sport or financial reward. Without the extinction risks imposed by war makers and drug dealers, Nature has always thrived, always restored balance and harmony by “Divine (intelligent) design”–more intelligence concealed and discredited by the same forces loosing Ebola from labs and libeling Dr. Horowitz’s heroism.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Debbie A Anderson December 25, 2019
British Clairvoyant ​& Spirit Communicator

Debbie A. Anderson, Clairvoyant Medium and Healer for over 30 years. Leading Expert on How to Use an Oracle Deck in 3 Easy Steps for Maximum Success to Open Doors, Make Decisions from a Place of Alignment with Spirit, and Ensure Ease and Prosperity!

Born in England, Debbie is a natural healer who has worked in the magical sphere of spirituality all of her life, bringing forth many modalities that have manifested and evolved along the way. 

Everything has a vibration which interconnects with itself. Every living thing vibrates and becomes at one with its surroundings. EVERYTHING we know is of life.  Life in vibration with the earth is the basis of everything – energy, light, and sound - all of one source. Connecting with the highest vibrations our energy releases and reconnects with the universal flow of life on Earth. It is the song of the “ancients”, their way of communicating with everything that exists on the Earth plane.

As one vibration interconnects with another, it changes, shifts, to create different waves of energy - emitting vortexes of new connections with the universe. As one vibration spirals downwards another creates a spinning swirl of energy pushing, forcing it upwards.  Each connects with the other and reconnects to itself.

The Earth’s energy is vibrating!  You are VIBRATING! 

She has been insightfully using Tarot decks and giving intuitive spiritual readings for over 30 years in the UK, Canada, US and Australia.  She now lives in Ontario, Canada.

As a Clairvoyant Medium, her abilities have opened her to many mystical communications, including the creation of Vibrational Energy, which she defines as being “gifted” to her from spirit.
The Vibrational Healing Energy is a “hands on” healing technique which applies the gentlest touch of one vibration with another by way of communicating with the body, mind & soul, allowing the “self” to create an individual energy pattern to live and heal by.

Debbie is a writer, healer, medium, mother, daughter, wife, grandmother, friend and ever-evolving spiritual vibrational being.
A Fireside Chat Guest, Johnny Delirious December 14, 2019
Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor


Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers to use the scientific modality – Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), to get the right diet and supplements to experience life free of disease. The guessing game to achieve good health is over. Today he gives his expert advice with 35+ years of experience as a professional in the health industry. There is only one Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor Johnny Delirious, Master Survivor ™ his work is truly beyond Ph.D.

Johnny Delirious, Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor

Dare To Dream Guest, SAGE KINGSLEY-GODDARD December 26, 2019
highly gifted clairvoyant aura reader, Archangel Michael Channel, and Divine Alignment Coach

Do you know how to stop over giving and learn to have badass boundaries? Want to know how to be better at receiving? My guest SAGE Kingsley-Goddard is Voted the world's #1 Law of Attraction teacher.  Known as The Prosperous Goddess, Sage has personally gone through spiritual fire and transformation, from bankruptcy to over a million dollars, from homelessness to Dream Home, from divorced to married 21 years to her Twin Flame soulmate, living and loving life to the fullest!  Sage is a highly gifted clairvoyant aura reader, Archangel Michael Channel, and Divine Alignment Coach. She’s helped tens of thousands worldwide experience greater enlightenment, empowerment and enrichment by clearing out their blocks to receiving, aligning with their sacred purpose, and shining and sharing their unique gifts with the world. Sage is a #1 international best-selling author, and a dynamic speaker, as well as a shamanic hypnotherapist, Reiki and Money Reiki Master Teacher, and Mother Wound healer.

Dare To Dream Guest, Sherry Richert Belul December 19, 2019
A writer, gift maker, and happiness coach who gets excited about helping people find creative, intentional, and impactful ways to celebrate life and to express love for family and friends.

Who or what will you celebrate today?  My guest is Sherry Richert Belul, founder of Simply Celebrate, dedicated to helping people find creative, intentional and impactful ways to celebrate life and to express love for family and friends.  Are you looking for a unique gift for a friend or family member for a milestone occasion such as a decade birthday or golden anniversary? Do you want to give a client something truly special to celebrate a success or a goal they’ve achieved? Is there someone you want to recognize with a gift that’ll make them cry? Join us in this conversation today with Sherry so we can find new and unique ways to celebrate the people we love. 

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