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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Life Changes Show Guest, Meg Nocero September 13, 2021
Immigration attorney, Homeland security attorney, writer, inspirational speaker and success coach


Sometimes, difficulties and loss can reshape who we are and nudge us into growing. Just like a caterpillar sheds its skin and spins itself a silky chrysalis, what results is a breathtakingly beautiful creature we could never imagine, the butterfly. Meg Nocero’s story is not so different as she depicts her extraordinary transformation in Butterfly Awakens.

As a forty-something Italian-American immigration attorney, Meg moves through unimaginable grief and sadness watching her beloved mother lose her battle to breast cancer. Questioning her life choices and opening herself up to her soul’s calling, Nocero brings readers along on her journey through a dark night of the soul. We experience with her the grieving process, a toxic work environment, and intense stress that results in depression and anxiety, along with a somatic nervous disorder called tinnitus. Meg never gives up and– instead– looks for the help she needs to start to heal and find her light. In the end, like the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly, her story is a beautiful love letter honoring her mother’s legacy while detailing the awakening of her own.

Among the many stories about breast cancer and grief, none are quite like this one. After resigning from her career as a federal prosecutor due to a toxic administration, she searches for the lighthouse she saw in a vision when her mother died. Embarking on an inspiring spiritual pilgrimage on El Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain to get to the lighthouse at Cap Finisterre, she sets out to wake up and live again. The butterfly connection and stark honesty of her writing offers readers important lessons learned from moving through grief so that each person can shine their light again.

MEG NOCERO is a former Department of Homeland Security attorney. After 19 years of federal government service, she resigned to pursue her dream as a writer, inspirational speaker, a success coach, and attorney for justice.

Nocero is an avid learner who holds a BA in Spanish, with a concentration in Italian from Boston College; an MA in international affairs from the University of Miami; and a JD from St. Thomas University School of Law. She is a member of the Florida Bar, serves on the Wellness Committee of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and holds certifications as a Federal Law Enforcement Training Center instructor, as a Professional Coach from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, and as an Associate Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation. She has a Certificate in Happiness Studies through Harvard Professor Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar’s Happiness Studies Academy and a Certificate for the Science of Well-Being from Yale University.

In addition to being named Miz CEO Entrepreneur of the Year in 2019, she appeared on CNN Español with Ismael Cala and hosts her own YouTube channel and a podcast called “Manifesting with Meg: Conversations with Extraordinary People.”

Life Changes Show Guest, Peter Chung September 13, 2021
Singer and Songwriter


Singer – Songwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area living in Los Angeles to pursue the music dream: perform original music around the world.

Life Changes Show Guest, Jordan Raye September 06, 2021
Pop singer and songwriter


Jordan Raye is a pop singer- songwriter from Israel based in Los Angeles. Her passion for music and writing has always been her driving force through life. Jordan has performed in different festivals and venues around the world, she was an opening act for the Chainsmokers, Jason Derulo, Miami Heat game and a Disney summer production.

She is currently working with different DJs, producers and writers as a vocalist and songwriter for different upcoming projects and releases.

Life Changes Show Guest, Gregory Silva September 06, 2021
Addiction Recovery Expert and Entrepreneur


Gregory Silva was born and raised on a farm in Northern California. After graduating from Sonoma State University, he was employed in the media industry and various international marketing firms. This career path took him all over the world, and at one point he was even living and working in France.

However, in 2012, Gregory’s best friend overdosed and passed away. Looking for answers to the addiction plague, Gregory ended up changing careers in order to help people recover from addiction and live fuller lives. He is now dedicated to educating people suffering from addiction, as well as their loved ones and employers, about the pathways to recovery.

As the Director of Operations for three drug and alcohol treatment centers in Southern California; Living Longer Recovery, Gravity Treatment Centers, and New Spirit Treatment Center, he enjoys the challenges that come with the position and the opportunity to help change the direction of the clients he encounters.

In his spare time, you will find him volunteering and rescuing abandoned pets.

Life Changes Show Guest, Sarah McCrum August 30, 2021
Teacher and Author


Most people experience fear and stress around money and they’re not aware how much it’s influencing their business, financial and family life, and their impact in the world. 

Sarah McCrum is a teacher and author who helps you create a healthy relationship with money. She teaches you how to grow the inner skills you need to handle the challenges of money, business and family life so you live more generously towards yourself and others.

She offers a practical, relaxed approach through her courses based on the principles of her book, Love Money, Money Loves You. Her work is founded on 30 years of personal practice, 22 years of training with Chinese Masters and two decades of coaching business owners and leaders.

Sarah has influenced the lives of tens of thousands worldwide to expand their consciousness around money and generosity.

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