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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Dare To Dream Guest, DR. JOANNA KUJAWA June 09, 2022
Dr Joanna Kujawa is an author, scholar, and spiritual detective.

How is the lineage of the Goddess now resurfacing in our collective experience of spirituality?  My guest is Dr Joanna Kujawa, the author of The Other Goddess: Mary Magdalene and the Goddesses of Eros and Secret Knowledge. She is a scholar, and spiritual detective, who received her BA and MA from the Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies in Canada, and her Ph.D. from Monash University in Australia. As an active academic for over 20 years, Joanna uses her scholarly training to investigate spirituality and sexuality topics, writing for academic publications on spiritual travel, plus has had her short stories and essays published in various media and prestigious anthologies, including Best Australian Stories, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, She Rises.  Dr. Kujawa is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Goddess Studies.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Joe Chura June 08, 2022
Entrepreneur, Chief Innovation Officer at, Host of the Not Almost There Podcast and co-founder of GO Brewing, first Non-alcoholic production w/ taproom in Illinois

en·tre·pre·neur, Chief Innovation Officer at, Host of the Not Almost There Podcast and co-founder of GO Brewing, first Non-alcoholic production w/ taproom in Illinois

The Sports Doctor Guest, Tracy Markley June 08, 2022
Fitness Specialist, Award Winning Author, Radio Host & member of the National Fitness HOF

Tracy is an award winning author. She has been in the fitness industry for over two decades. She is the owner of Tracy's Personal Training, Pilates & Yoga Studio. Tracy is the 2021 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year and she was one of the three IDEA 2020 Finalist. She is a NFHOF Pro (National Fitness Hall of Fame) 2019 Recognized as one of "Today's Top Trainers" Tracy is the 2019 Medical Fitness Professional of the Year, first runner up. She has been recognized for her work and books worldwide. She has created a the CEC Course Stroke Recovery Training. Her course can be found at the Functional Training Institute. Her books and videos have helped many stroke survivors in recovery worldwide. She has studied throughout the years and has established great knowledge and holds many certifications. College Certified by  O.C.C. Health &  Physical Education Division: Health Fitness Specialist & Personal Trainer Dance & Group Exercise Leader Certificate in Fitness, Nutrition Certified Biomechanics Specialist, AFAA Primary Group Certification and more....Click Here for Tracy's Resume & Education

Tracy was born and raised in Long Beach California. Her plan is to be back in Long Beach  by summer 2021.  Covid closed her business in Oregon and she looks forward to being back home and the new adventures and changes to come. 

Her first book, The Stroke of an Artist, The Journey of a Fitness Trainer and a Stroke Survivor published in November of 2017. Her second book Tipping Toward Balance, A Fitness Trainer's Guide to Stability and Walking, published March of 2018. Her third book Stroke Recovery, What Now?, When Physical Therapy Ends, But Your Recovery Continues, published December 2018 and her fourth book is The Power of Your Spine, How Back Strength and Posture Pilots the Entire Body, published in October of 2019.  Her 5th book is Dear Stroke You suck, A The Journey of a Fitness Trainer and a Stroke Survivor, Published April 2020, Her 6th book is Stroke Recovery, Regaining Arm Movement. Published May 2020. Her 7th Book is Stroke Recovery Leg Stability and Walking Gait, Published August 2020. Her 8th book, Your Brain, The Engine to Your Body. Published August 2020. Tracy has two new books coming out this year, 2020. Her 9th book, Your Brain, Kid's Edition. Published November 2020. All of Tracy Markley's books have a chapter on anatomy, movement, biomechanics and knowledge of human movement. The Power of Your Spine book is all anatomy. Tracy believes that knowledge brings power in the strengthening and healing of our bodies for over all better health, balance, walking and function. Her books have been read world wide and have helped thousands of people. 

In 2018 Tracy was asked to be on the Education Advisory Board for the Medfit Foundation. She was asked if she would write a CEC course on stroke recovery and exercise.  She created this fitness professional education course:

Stroke Recovery Training CEC Course, for professionals to gain more education to help survivors continue in recovery safe and effectively.


Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Leora Leon June 07, 2022
TV Show Host, Author, Divine Path Life Coach, International Motivational Speaker

Leora Leon is a published author, TV Show Host, Divine Path Life Coach, Energy Healer, Teacher/Coach, and an International Motivational Speaker. Leora learned how to overcome successfully, any trial or tribulation that came her way. Never giving up, with determination, extensive education, and training, she discovered the secrets to leading a happy and successful life. Leora has studied Metaphysics for over 30 years.

Her existence has been an entire life of multiple trials and tribulations, ranging from childhood physical and sexual abuse, rape, Stage 3 breast cancer, and domestic abuse. She raised a child with severe autism who died at the age of 25. Then, through a DNA study, Leora discovered that she had an entirely new family, only to have my biological father shun me. And there were many more lessons in between. All of which made her who she is today. Through her educational journey, she have discovered that she chose all of this to help others navigate their own life experiences. Her latest book "The Powers in You: Tap into your superpowers and change your life", is available now: 

Discover more about Leora here:

Pick up a copy of her book here:

Or join her upcoming workshop (and receive a .PDF to join in: )

Details here:

The Powers In You Workbook Workshop: This workshop will give all the tools you need to change your to change your life and live the life you desire!


New Reality Solutions Guest, Eliana Gilad June 10, 2022
Keynote presenter, teacher, and performer at healing music, leadership, health, and mindfulness conferences throughout the world


Born in the United States, Eliana left for France in 1991 and then moved to Israel in 1994. Professionally, she has dedicated her life to reviving the conscious use of voice and rhythm as natural healing instruments, as they were used in ancient matriarchal times. This wordless healing sound modality helps people find their authentic voices and connect to their inner calm and wisdom.

It has been clinically researched in a neonatal intensive care unit, where it was proven to lower blood pressure and heart rate, increase focus, and improve the quality of sleep. Her work has been featured in publications like Drummer, Yoga Journal, Mothering, Music and Medicine Journal, Global Rhythm, and Hindustan Times. Documentarian Emmanuel Itier also features Eliana in her award-winning film Femme (2013), narrated by Sharon Stone.

Eliana is a frequent keynote presenter, teacher, and performer at healing music, leadership, health, and mindfulness conferences throughout the world. Such events include TEDxSanJuan (2017), International Conference of Traditional Music (2017), Globe Sound Healing Conference (2014), TEDxVailWomen Conference (2012), Chinese Spa Conference (2011), Music and Medicine Symposium (2010), and the Legends of Nonviolence Conference (2007). She has also presented at the United Nations, the Chopra Center in New York City, and the Thank Water Conference (2003), alongside Masaru Emoto, author of Messages from Water, whose research revealed the profound effect of her music upon frozen water molecules.

Through the Voices of Eden Ancient Wisdom and Healing Music Institute, Eliana researches and teaches the principles of feminine power and the voice.

In addition to Miriam’s Secret, she is the author two books: Rhythms of the Natural Voice Workbook (2002), a companion to the CD Rhythms of the Natural Voice (2001); and Quiet in the Eye of the Storm: Living Peace in a War Zone, a digital book and audio program written, recorded, and published during the 2006 Israeli-Lebanon War. She has produced five music CDs and a groundbreaking relaxation music program used by dentists worldwide.

Eliana also narrated the “The Forgotten Jews,” a PBS documentary broadcast in November 2005. In 1992, she broadcast the voiceovers for CBS television during the Winter Olympics in Albertville, France.

She alternately makes her home in Los Angeles, California, and Galilee, Israel.

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