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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Kosta Makreas and Hollis Polk August 30, 2018
Co-founders of, Founder of the Global CE-5 ET Contact Initiative, Founder of The People's Disclosure Movement, Hollis is a clairvoyant and featured in the film documentary Sirius

Kosta Makreas and Hollis Polk co-founded  the online ETLetsTalk Community  with 17,000 members in 100+ countries.  ETLetsTalk teaches everyday people to make their personal contact with benevolent Star People, many of whom are visiting our planet at this time. 

Kosta Makreas: As a young man Kosta became fascinated with the mysteries of the Universe – teaching himself astrology, meditation, astronomy and reading widely about extraterrestrial UFOs, comparative religion, spirituality, Atlantis, and many other metaphysical topics.  He earned his B.A. in Computer Science from Indiana University and went on to enjoy a broad and successful career as a software consultant to many Silicon Valley companies.

His life-long quest to satisfy his deep interest in world peace & positive planetary transformation compels him to create & sponsor projects that empower others.  “Envision A New America”, “The Great Invocation Video Project”, “The Disclosure Project Prayer/Meditation Group”, “Spirit of Goodwill” and “The Global CE-5 ET Contact” Initiative, are some of the incredible projects he’s helped manifest from ideas to powerful realities.

Kosta believes that we are living in a unique, challenging, and wonderful point in history as we transition to a new mode of enlightened and spiritual living where planetary peace reigns between Humanity and all life forms on and off Earth.

Hollis Polk has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Princeton and an MBA from Harvard.

Career-wise, Hollis excelled at computer consulting for one of the premier accounting firms in the country; management of a major retail company; real estate; and restaurant management.  She put her analytical skills to work every day puzzling through complicated problems.  But she knew there was more than rational thought.

Hollis tuned into her psychic abilities and learned how to use them more effectively, first at Heartsong School of Expanded Perception, where she developed her clairvoyance (the ability to see psychically) and clairaudience (the ability to hear psychically).  Hollis learned NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) to help understand and work with her clients.  She finds it incredibly useful in helping people make the changes they want, quickly and permanently, and create lives they love. Hollis also became a hypnotherapist.  

Most other psychics, who don’t have this hypnotherapist training, are not aware of their clients’ openness, and have unintentionally hurt them.  Hollis knows this because she has ‘fixed’ a number of dangerous psychic readings from other psychics, often years later, when the client is in a lot of emotional pain.

Paranormal Truth and Reality Guest, Jen Kruse and Jena Grover August 31, 2018
Sasquatch Hunters, Paranormal Investigators

She-Squatchers came together in 2015 to begin their "All Female Bigfoot Experiment," as the Midwest's first all female bigfoot research team. They aren't just women in the woods, they are psychic women in the woods, utilizing their extra senses on their quest to find and interact with Bigfoot. The team is lead by missing person's psychic medium & remote viewer, Jen Kruse. The 2nd in command is the teammate known for her fearless sense of adventure, Jena Grover. Together they have had some amazing experiences, including close calls with rocks being thrown at them from the trees above. They have found evidence which has convinced them that there is definitely something out there! They are literally traveling from coast to coast this year, speaking at conventions, to share what they have found & experienced.

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Serenity Raven-Wolf September 04, 2018
Chief Love Officer, Lead with Love Movement, a Beacon of LOVE in a Tumultuous World.

Best  Selling Co-Author, Results Coach, Mentor, and Law of Attraction and Self-Love Expert - Serenity is the Chief Love Officer, Lead with Love Movement.

She is supporting heart-centered Change-Makers & Way-Showers embrace their unique contribution so they can fulfill their mission to bring forth a prosperous, and harmonious peace on earth. Your uniqueness is your PERFECTION and your GIFT to the world.

Serenity is a Beacon of LOVE in a Tumultuous World, and for more than 30 years has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness and Love through all forms of media. She is a recipient of the 2017 Global Influencer Award, and 2017 Heart And Spirit Award. An intuitive and sensitive empath, and Creator of The SoulSync Process: a conversational energy resolution tool that leaves you, and the participants feeling deeply loved and serene.

As a woman, she lived a ‘normal’ life; divorcing and burying parts of herself and turning down (almost to the off position) her inner radiant magnificence to please and avoid offending others. Being vastly different than most, and viewing the world through an apparently very different set of lenses than pretty much everyone; she felt like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.

At the age of 37, her life was so miserable, and she was unable to remember the last time she truly felt alive and happy. Today Serenity lives the life of her dreams and knows, regardless of how hard it was at the time; through the dark night of her soul, to turning my life around; she is so deeply grateful that she did. For herself, her children, her now ex-husband, and every person on this beloved planet. Living your dream life is indeed possible. She is living proof!

Join us to hear her story of her journey from a suicide watch to success and confidence!

Life Changes Show Guest, Gary Stuart August 20, 2018
Master Constellation Healing facilitator


GARY STUART is a master Constellation Healing facilitator of more than 20 years, author, and transformational speaker. His latest book, MASTER YOUR UNIVERSE: How to Direct and Star in Your Own Life, shows you how to approach your life as a movie that you are producing and directing, not sitting in the audience.

Gary is internationally recognized for exploring invisible family dynamics through ancestral Family Constellations, which identifies ancestral family systems and negative entanglements that are affecting a person’s life right now.

Combining experience in diverse and progressive healing techniques, modalities and consciousness expanding practices, he is masterful at creating a powerful and safe container for people to look at some of the most emotional aspects in their life. Due to the ancestral nature of his work, at times the emotion may be that of a grandparent or relation.

Gary has been certified in the work including Bert Hellinger’s “Movements of the Spirit-Mind” Facilitator’s Training twice, to deepen his own practice and bring it to his clients. Gary has facilitated well over 10,000 healing experiences, and has provided training for facilitators and other professionals.

Gary offers Distance Constellation healing work for personal, business or organizational issues as well as breakthroughs in Prosperity, Organizational Empowerment, Familial Epigenetic and Past-Life Reincarnation. He conducts weekly workshops in California and travels worldwide.

Life Changes Show Guest, Netta Skog August 27, 2018
Finnish accordion player


Netta Skog is a Finnish accordion player known for being the “Rocker” of the accordion world. She started to play accordion when she was only 5 years old and she’s shown both versatility and virtuosity in her career.  American World Champion Cory Pesaturo calls her, the “Badass” of the accordion world.

In 2006 she won the Finnish Golden Accordion competition, a national Finnish competition, and her career began.  In the competition she played the song ”Dead to the World” from a very known Finnish metal band “Nightwish,” which attained much attention around the world. Mostly because of that performance, Battle Metal -band “Turisas” asked her to join the band. Netta was a official member in Turisas in 2007-2011 and got the chance to travel all around the whole world and play for crowds of up to 100,000 people!

In 2013 Netta decided to try her chances as a singer, so she attended to the Finnish Tango-competition and got straight to the finals, and was among the top six female singers.  In 2015 Netta was asked to join another Finnish folk metal band called “Ensiferum” for three years.

One of her biggest highlights was her World Championship in the Digital Accordion category of the Coupe Mondiale, which Matthias Matzke won in 2014, and Cory Pesaturo won in 2009. Since that, she has been one of the leading digital accordionists and has reached new crowds and young enthusiastic musicians.

Even though Netta’s life has been mostly surrounded by heavy metal music, she also writes some of her own music which contains a lot of pop and instrumental music. She is also very interested in movie soundtracks and therefore says that one of her idols is Hans Zimmer.  Netta continues to work with known bands, and has had the honor to perform with bands such as “Mokoma,” “Children of Bodom,” and “Turmion Katilot.”

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