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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Dare To Dream Guest, NOAH ST JOHN September 26, 2018
Noah St. John is bestselling author and keynote speaker who's famous for inventing Afformations.

NOAH ST. JOHN is known as “The Power Habits Mentor” and is famous for helping entrepreneurs get rid of their head trash and make more money. Noah is the ONLY author in history to have works published by Hay House, Harper Collins, Simon & Schuster, Mindvalley, Nightingale-Conant, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher. He also appears frequently in the news worldwide, including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Parade Magazine,, and The Huffington Post. Noah's latest book is Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money.

Hungry for the Truth Guest, Michael Tellinger September 28, 2018
Export Author, Writer, Scientist, Pharmacist, Researcher, Musician, Editor, Artist, Producer, Historian

Michael Tellinger has become one of South Africa’s bestselling export authors. His regular articles on human origins and his book Slave Species of god have been praised by readers in over 20 countries.

Michael is a scientist in the true sense of the word, never shying away from controversial issues, scrutinising every clue meticulously. He graduated in 1983 from the University Of Witwatersrand Medical School, Johannesburg, with a B.Pharmaceutics degree, a passion for the cosmos, genetics and human history.

His research and astute understanding of his subject matter has made him a regular guest on many radio shows in the USA and UK with popular hosts like George Noory on Coast to Coast; Kevin Smith, Hillary Raimo, American Freedom Radio, Howard Hughes in the UK; the Camelot Project, and more.

Before applying his writing and research skills to books, Michael followed his other passion, for music. He spent much of his early years in the arts performing on stage and screen. As part of the duo “Stirling & Tellinger” he had several music hits in South Africa. In 1986, he worked in Los Angeles for Cannon Films as a sound designer and editor; and wrote and recorded the controversial anti-apartheid song “We come from Johannesburg”, which was banned under the previous regime. His latest contribution to the arts was a song called “Side By Side With Angels”, for the TSUNAMI disaster fund in 2005, which featured a number of top SA artists. He has written a number of screenplays, children’s educational books and TV shows.

As a producer he created a variety of TV shows and worked as a presenter on numerous others. As a writer in advertising in 1989, he received a Clio award in New York and in 2000 he presented his own weekly show on 567 Cape Talk radio in Cape Town, exploring technology, science and astronomy.

After a 30-year long obsession with the origins of humankind and the genetic anomalies of our species, he took some time out to write Slave Species of god, which became an instant bestseller in South Africa. When Johan Heine exposed the mystery of the stone ruins of South Africa to Michael in 2007, they began an irreversible process of research that led Michael to some startling scientific conclusions and the completion of two more books, Adam’s Calendar and Temples Of The African Gods.

It is uncanny that Michael’s passion for music and his understanding of sound frequency, harmonic resonance and wave formation in scientific terms, has allowed him to make the astounding breakthrough in decoding the mystery of the ancient ruins and lost civilisations of southern Africa.

Michael Tellinger, is an author of four books, scientist and explorer, who has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making ground-breaking discoveries about advanced vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa. His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books.

Michael is the founder of the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement of higher consciousness and the UBUNTU Party as a political front for this global movement, with members in over 200 countries. The UBUNTU Party participated in the South African elections on the 7th of May 2014 under his leadership - and is now also registered in the UK as a political party. The UBUNTU Party UK will participate in the UK elections on 7 May 2015 under the leadership of Paul Toussaint.

Michael's major contribution to the field of ancient discovery has been delivering the proof of the tools and artefacts that support his scientific findings. He discovered more than 10 million stone ruins that are not dwellings, but energy generating devices. His Torus Stone, that crashed the TSA security systems at DOHA International Airport in July 2013, has sparked the imagination of the global scientific fraternity in the quest for delivering a new free energy device to the people of the world.

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Kerry Walker September 27, 2018
Soul Path Recalibrator, Frequency Activator, Host TheJoyRideShow

"Is it possible to walk with one foot in the “seen” and the other in the “unseen”? I sure hope so, because I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m doing! I like to think of myself as an “ordinary” woman, living an extraordinary life."

As the character “Kerry”; I am a mother of three, a wife of one, a seeker of truth, and a lover of things seen and unseen. I am the writer, director, and star of my very own movie. (It’s fun to think that somewhere in the multiverse, there are beings eating their versions of popcorn, watching movies starring us!)

I have been trying to fit the puzzle pieces together since I was a young child; this is a trait that has fueled my curiosity in ways I couldn’t begin to imagine!  A few years ago I began asking questions that appeared to infuriate folks. It seemed the more I asked, the more divided people became. Was it me or the times we’re living in? I began seeing agendas everywhere I turned, and they weren’t benevolent. It became clear that there was an underbelly to this world we live in....  

One particularly grand “a-ha” moment was born from the realization that the information we are constantly bombarded with sits in my very own living room: my TV! At the risk of sounding paranoid, I couldn't help but feel that most of the underlying messages were those of fear! How does one NOT subconsciously tune their frequency to the fear channel?  For me, my fear-frequency tuned to the cancer station. According to our media, it was just a matter of time before it was my turn in the oncologists chair. Oddly (a-hem) enough, I did in fact get cancer. 

I’m happy to report that this little blip was just the wake up call I needed to get me steered in the right direction! This served as the opening to the communication with my guides or “team” as I like to call them. Once this happened, there was no looking back. My world opened up in ways I could never have begun to imagine! It was as if I’d hung the “open for business” sign in the window! 

Interestingly, the spiritual components to my life were there all along, I just didn’t recognize them. For example, I’ve seen spirits my entire life... I’ve channeled my entire life.... I’ve seen timelines and dimensions my entire life. I just didn’t know what I was seeing. It took three encounters with recently crossed spirits, a moment with James Van Praagh, and a wild message (from Spirit) in my kitchen cabinet, for me to “get it”. 

Now that I “have it”... what do I “do” with it? 

For starters, I have an online show Alice Eats the Apple The show was created with the intent of ‘normalizing” the metaphysical. I love to joke (not really, it happens more times than you’d think!) that we may be sitting in our mom-cars, waiting in the carpool line, working on our astral traveling skills!  I'm also just beginning my blog.

I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a room-mom. I am a coach. I am an energetic frequency holder. I am a grid anchor. I am a soul path recalibrator. I am an infinite being. I am here to remind you that you are, too.

Kerry Walker

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Kerry Walker September 27, 2018
Soul Path Recalibrator, Frequency Activator, Host TheJoyRideShow

"Is it possible to walk with one foot in the “seen” and the other in the “unseen”? I sure hope so, because I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m doing! I like to think of myself as an “ordinary” woman, living an extraordinary life."

As the character “Kerry”; I am a mother of three, a wife of one, a seeker of truth, and a lover of things seen and unseen. I am the writer, director, and star of my very own movie. (It’s fun to think that somewhere in the multiverse, there are beings eating their versions of popcorn, watching movies starring us!)

I have been trying to fit the puzzle pieces together since I was a young child; this is a trait that has fueled my curiosity in ways I couldn’t begin to imagine!  A few years ago I began asking questions that appeared to infuriate folks. It seemed the more I asked, the more divided people became. Was it me or the times we’re living in? I began seeing agendas everywhere I turned, and they weren’t benevolent. It became clear that there was an underbelly to this world we live in....  

One particularly grand “a-ha” moment was born from the realization that the information we are constantly bombarded with sits in my very own living room: my TV! At the risk of sounding paranoid, I couldn't help but feel that most of the underlying messages were those of fear! How does one NOT subconsciously tune their frequency to the fear channel?  For me, my fear-frequency tuned to the cancer station. According to our media, it was just a matter of time before it was my turn in the oncologists chair. Oddly (a-hem) enough, I did in fact get cancer. 

I’m happy to report that this little blip was just the wake up call I needed to get me steered in the right direction! This served as the opening to the communication with my guides or “team” as I like to call them. Once this happened, there was no looking back. My world opened up in ways I could never have begun to imagine! It was as if I’d hung the “open for business” sign in the window! 

Interestingly, the spiritual components to my life were there all along, I just didn’t recognize them. For example, I’ve seen spirits my entire life... I’ve channeled my entire life.... I’ve seen timelines and dimensions my entire life. I just didn’t know what I was seeing. It took three encounters with recently crossed spirits, a moment with James Van Praagh, and a wild message (from Spirit) in my kitchen cabinet, for me to “get it”. 

Now that I “have it”... what do I “do” with it? 

For starters, I have an online show Alice Eats the Apple The show was created with the intent of ‘normalizing” the metaphysical. I love to joke (not really, it happens more times than you’d think!) that we may be sitting in our mom-cars, waiting in the carpool line, working on our astral traveling skills!  I'm also just beginning my blog.

I am a mother. I am a wife. I am a room-mom. I am a coach. I am an energetic frequency holder. I am a grid anchor. I am a soul path recalibrator. I am an infinite being. I am here to remind you that you are, too.

Kerry Walker

Interviewing The Legends Guest, Annie Haslam November 06, 2018
Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Artist

A   N   N   I   E

H   A   S   L   A   M





Renaissance has had a long history spanning close to 50 years since its formation in 1969. With several personnel changes in the beginning years, the sound of the group eventually matured into a unique blending of folk, rock, and classical music including the integration of a full symphonic orchestra. Crowning all of this was the sound of the equally unique five-octave voice of Annie Haslam. During their great success in the 70’s the band toured extensively throughout the world in support of their numerous album releases. Highlights of this era included three sold out concerts at Carnegie Hall with The New York Philharmonic Orchestra and a sold-out concert at The Royal Albert Hall with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Chorale Society, all of which were recorded and released as ‘Live’ albums.

The woman whose crystal clear, high-flying soprano vocals earned her worldwide attention as the lead singer of the English classical rock band ‘Renaissance’ has recently achieved an entirely new level of appreciation as an ‘Intuitive’ painter. Annie is able to ‘tune’ into people, animals, situations, feelings and places, and portray them in her own unique style.

On canvas, Annie Haslam’s unmistakable world of sound is taken into unique vistas of color and vibration, not unlike the flow of her five-octave voice. Transporting the viewer to other worlds and through inner boundaries is her ultimate goal, bringing healing, serenity and peace through her work. 

…….Nicholas J. Sands, director of Sands & Company Fine Art in New York City, heralded Annie’s paintings as “magical, enigmatic and wondrous for their ability to take us to a far-away place… of fluid forms that are at once alien and familiar, primordial yet recognizable, which dance in an endless array of colors that are as rich and intense as molten lava.”

In 2009 Annie and bandmate Michael Dunford reformed ‘Renaissance’.

Sadly Michael passed away in November 2012, and is greatly missed.

Annie decided to keep the music alive and kept touring with Renaissance in support of their album 'Symphony of Light'.

With their musical virtuosity, five strong lead voices, newest technological instrumentation and love for the music, they have created a new sound taking them into a new age and performing the repertoire with powerful precision across the world. This incarnation of Renaissance is new and different and is nothing short of amazing!

Annie Haslam & Renaissance recently released their new DVD entitled ‘A Symphonic Journey’ and are currently embarked on their Day of the Dreamer Tour –in support of their new DVD while performing selected US dates this Fall.

Purchase the brand-new DVD from Renaissance entitled

‘A Symphonic Journey’ at

The DVD was filmed in October of 2017 and included for the first time the addition of The Renaissance Chamber Orchestra, a hand-picked group of 10 musicians, including strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. For this new DVD the band returned to the Keswick Theatre, this time employing the use of track and boom mounted cameras to create more up close and personal shots of the band and orchestra. The concert also featured large screen projections of original paintings by Annie Haslam, with corresponding titles to each song performed throughout the concert.

The DVD/2CD set will be available from Amazon USA, Europe, and Japan. Also, ‘Annie Haslam’ signed copies will be available through the band’s website

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