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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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The Veterans News Hour Guest, President John F Kennedy March 04, 2019
35th President of the United States

President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) was a hero of WWII, a Congressman and Senator from Massachusetts, and the 35th President of the United States of America.

Lets Find Out Guest, Frank St James March 10, 2019
Mediumship and Psychic Readings

Frank St. James is well known for his work with many local police and investigative authorities. He appeared on The Psychic Detectives, as well as the Bio Show on A&E Cable, and is also a top radio personality. He was once a detective, has worked with the FBI, and the answers he gives are usually spot on! Frank is very popular at the New Jersey Psychic Fairs and books out quickly. Contact: (862) 684-1904

Signs of Life Guest, Claude Swanson February 28, 2019
Physicist, Scientist, Cosmologist, Astronomer, Energy Systems Researcher, Consultant, Applied Physics Expert

Dr. Claude Swanson was educated as a physicist at MIT and Princeton University. During those years he worked at the MIT Science Teaching Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory and a Virginia cyclotron in the summer. At Princeton he received the National Science Foundation Fellowship and Putnam Fellowship. His Ph.D. thesis at Princeton was done in the "Gravity Group," which focuses on experimental cosmology and astronomy, and was headed by Dr. Robert Dicke. His thesis advisor was Prof. David Wilkinson, who later became chairman of the physics department.

Swanson conducted postgraduate work at Princeton and Cornell Universities on the design of superconducting plasma containment vessels for fusion energy systems. He then began work for Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, a consulting company, and later formed his own consulting company which carried out studies in applied physics for commercial and governmental agencies, including DuPont, United Technologies, the U.S. Army and Navy, DARPA and the CIA, among many others.

For the last fifteen years, interspersed with his conventional professional career in applied physics, Dr. Swanson has pursued investigations into "unconventional physics." His principal interest has been unified field theory, the so-called "Theory of Everything" which could explain the universe at the deepest possible level. This has led him to investigate many aspects of the paranormal, which appear to be completely real phenomena which violate our present science. Paranormal phenomena, which have now been proven in the laboratory in many cases, offer a window into the deeper universe, the mysteries of consciousness, and unlock new forces and principles which conventional science has only begun to glimpse.

Among paranormal phenomena which are now known, it has been found that signals can move much faster than light, and the human consciousness and even human influence, can move backward and forward in time. Science fiction concepts such as teleportation and levitation seem to occur in reality in paranormal events, and offer powerful evidence that this will be the new frontier of science.

At the same time, thousands of out-of-body and near-death experiences show that other dimensions and other realities do exist. This has been the domain of speculation by theoretical physics, but OBE and NDE cases indicate that parallel realities and dimensions are in some sense real. And finally, paranormal research suggests that the human soul, the center of human consciousness, can survive death and is apparently an energy form which can move and exist independently of the body. Science is discovering that, in the words of the pioneer Robert Monroe, " we are far more than our physical bodies."

Dr. Swanson has conducted extensive research in these areas, including research of the scientific literature, interviews with scientists in these fields, attended and spoken at conferences, and conducted experiments and investigations, to better understand how such paranormal phenomena can be incorporated into modern science.

This research has involved underwater archaeology in Bimini, scientific measurements in haunted houses, experiments in remote viewing and psychokinesis, and testing of new devices which can measure these strange forces. He has just published a book, The Synchronized Universe, which summarizes some of the new discoveries of this emerging science.

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Suzy Hansen February 28, 2019
Author, Lecturer, Experiencer, Conscious Contactee, Mentor

Suzy Hansen is a former professional educationalist, author, researcher, experiencer, and public speaker.  Suzy is from New Zealand and has had an impact on the UFO field worldwide.

She is the author of The Dual Soul Connection – the Alien Agenda for Human Advancement, with contributions by Dr. Rudy Schild, Emeritus Professor of Astrophysics, Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA.

Suzy is the founding Director of the UFOCUS NZ Research Network (NZ UFO sightings), and co-ordinator of Communicator Link (advocacy & support for experiencers/abductees).  She was instrumental in lobbying for the release of the NZ MoD UFO Files in 2010/11.

Suzy has lectured internationally since 1997, in the USA, UK, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Australia and New Zealand, about NZ UFO sightings and her own contact experiences with non-human intelligences/extraterrestrials.  She has featured in interviews, articles and documentaries (including NZ’s 60 Minutes – The Truth is out there, Korean TV, National Geographic’s Invasion Earth series), and writes for international UFO magazines.

“The Dual Soul Connection” documents Suzy’s lifetime of experiences with extraterrestrials and non-human intelligences.

“The Dual Soul Connection” addresses aspects of spirituality, consciousness, metaphysics, and alien culture, alongside scientific concepts of physics and advanced organic “conscious” technology, all within the framework of alien contact, highlighting our interconnection with a wider universal family.

Significantly, the book outlines Suzy’s participation in complex multi-layered alien programs, a positive agenda designed to assist and advance humankind and her experience of a dual soul identity central to this agenda.  Her presentations transport the audience “onboard the craft”, enhancing their understanding of what occurs in this physical, and sometimes non-physical (pure consciousness) environment.

Her book also covers her experiences of telepathy, animal communication, pre-cognition, life-between-lives, out-of-body experiences, and spirit communication.

Suzy’s focus for the last decade has been on engaging members of the scientific community to participate in examining the wealth of science-related detail contained in accounts of human interactions with extraterrestrial species/consciousness, as well as aspects of UFO sighting investigation data relating to technology and physics.

She believes one of the major issues facing mankind in the future will be open contact with other civilizations in the Universe.  In the meantime, there is much to be learned from humans who have already made this tremendous leap in consciousness, and who have witnessed the vast array of potential benefits available to mankind and our environment through such associations

Communicatorlink is a support, information and research network for first-hand experiencers of:

  • contact with alien/extraterrestrial species (sightings, communication and interaction)
  • other anomalous experiences, which are sometimes related to those above
The Sports Doctor Guest, Kimberly Archie February 27, 2019
Founder of the National Cheer Safety Foundation, USA Sport Safety, and Child Athlete Advocates

Kimberly Archie is the Founder of the National Cheer Safety Foundation, USA Sport Safety, and Child Athlete Advocates as well as the Gas Pipe Safety Foundation. She has worked with local, state and federal leaders on a variety of sport safety issues and is considered one of the nation’s leading experts in sport risk management and the prevention of Child Athlete Abuse Disorder. Ms. Archie lead the safety crusade in youth sports and the push for cheer to be classified as a sport with science based research that set off a media blitz of injury stories in 2008 from People magazine to the Washington Post. Her tireless efforts and "never take no for an answer" resolve resulted in a Government Accountability Office investigation called by Congressional leaders into the youth sport safety crisis in America. She is an official research partner with the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research at the University of North Carolina, was a safety official for the National Collegiate Acrobatics & Tumbling Association, has testified numerous times at all levels of government on safety issues, organized numerous national safety events, pushed for stronger sport safety legislation on the national and state level, is a highly sought public speaker and independent source of sport safety information for news media, local government and sport parents. After the San Bruno gas pipeline exploded in her best friend Kathy Ruigomez’ front yard September 9, 2010 killing 8 people, she has turned up her passion to help do for gas pipeline safety what has been done in sports. She has a degree in Political Science and is a legal consultant. Kim lost her son Paul in 2014 at the age of 24 due to the effects of CTE caused by football.

Specialties: Child's rights, advocacy, bullying, cheer safety, athlete abuse and sport coaching standard of care expert; regular media expert on victim's rights, cheerleading, football, sport coaching, sport safety and Title IX

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