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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Hungry for the Truth Guest, Susan Glynn March 08, 2019
Certified Coach for Healing Codes, Energy Healer, and Personal Development Coach


What delights me is that over the last 19 years since experiencing my very first Energy training, I’ve just known that Energy was going to be vitally important to my life.

Healing began happening within that first training and with me...because I just decided I wanted more and Better in my life, and set about using the Energy tools I gathered, on me. This persistently created good change in me.

Something else showed up...some kind of 'clear guidance' to the trainings and tools that would benefit me Most.  Some were an experience of "ok . . . that is not going deep or fast or efficiently enough for me . . . so I’d move on.

So the more I asked for Better Please...the more skillful & easy the tools put in front of me have become...and some are so much Fun.  BALANCE in life is important to me...and so gaining tools to create that has been a focus.

Now, how grateful I am with my tool box . . . and yes, it’s always up for an updates.

It’s also been made obvious to me that by improving Me . . . I then, am a  resonance for more Love . . . which is the fastest easiest way to be doing good for all the world and humanity.

My feeling is that we humans have massive capacities and I’m full throttle on achieving whatever I can in my own body and life . . . towards Full Human Potential.

. . . Oh and it’s essential to my plan to have Fun with It.!!!   :-)

Please join me to hear more and would love questions about what you want for yourself.

LOVE to all . . .

Susan Glynn


ph. 61-2-4977-1716

mob. 61-407-412-359

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Solreta Antaria March 07, 2019
ET Communicator, Clairvoyant, UFOfilmologist

Solreta Antaria is a caring compassionate clairvoyant born with natural psychic ability that has expanded to include ET Communication and UFOfilmology.  She has seen & felt spirit from a very young age.

Working from the heart, Solreta sets up a clear safe space before each reading then tunes into positive messages & guidance to assist you in shedding light on your life path  She brings forth various directions & opportunities life has on offer, tuning into a client's energy field (aura), seeing colors & symbols while often seeing Spirit guides, Angels, ET's & Ascended Masters. Solreta is based in Melbourne, Australia and works with clients around the globe via Skype.  Solreta has also twice been a featured speaker at ECETI's annual conference.

Solreta uses Clairaudience & Empathic abilities to help people gain greater understanding & wisdom on their soul path. Solreta has a passion for high vibration Raw food, manifesting goals, sharing & helping others. 

She has studied Kinesiology, Reiki, Crystal dreaming & has an Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences.  She is known worldwide for her ability to receive communication from Star Nation Beings alerting her to UFO sightings which she expertly films.  She has been interviewed on Japanese and Italian television.  Solreta works in her own practice doing both Psychic readings & Kinesiology (combination of Chiropractic & Chinese medicine) specializing in reducing stress, allergies & goal setting. 

The Sports Doctor Guest, Dr Sean McMillan March 06, 2019
Orthopedic Sports Medicine Specialist at Lourdes Medical Center

Dr. Sean McMillan is an orthopedic sport medicine specialist, and one of the nation's few doctors performing reverse total shoulder replacement surgery.  He is Fellowship-trained in arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder, hip, and knee.


Dr. Sean McMillan is the Chief of Orthopedics and Director of Orthopedic Sports Medicine at Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County.  Additionally, he is an assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Rowan University- School of Osteopathic Medicine (RU-SOM).  He lectures throughout the country, teaching arthroscopic and orthopedic procedures to his peers.

Previously Dr. McMillan worked as a team physician within the Boston Red Sox organization, focusing on the AAA Pawtucket Red Sox.  He has covered professional, collegiate, and high school sports.


Dr. McMillan’s endless dedication to the field orthopedic medicine has earned him recognition as a published author.  He has been published in book and online articles alike pertaining to:

-Hip Arthroscopy

-Muscle Injuries and Avulsions

-Arthritis of the Hip

-Hip & Thigh Muscle Strains and Contusions

-Lateral Hip/Snapping Hip

-Reverse Shoulder Replacement

-Meniscal Repair

Awards & Honors

Dr. McMillan has been honored to receive recognition from the communities he's served as well as his peers.  Some of his recent awards include:

-Selected 2013 TOP DOC for KIDS: SJ Magazine

-Leading Physicians of the World: Class of 2012

-(NYOORF) Outstanding Orthopedic Resident Scholarship



The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ

B.A., Psychology Major, Chemistry Minor 1996-2000


Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

DO 2001-2005


University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey: Kennedy Health Systems, Stratford, NJ



Peninsula Hospital Consortium- North Shore Long Island Jewish Health Systems, Long Island, NY Orthopedic Surgery 2006-2010


University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA

Arthroscopic Sports Medicine: Shoulders, Hips, Knees and Elbows 2010-2011

The Sports Doctor Guest, Dr Mylaine Riobe March 06, 2019
Anti-aging Specialist & Medical Director Riobe Institute of Integrative Medicine

With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Riobe has developed a ground-breaking technique to preventing disease and treating illness by fusing Eastern and Western medicines. The dynamic, customized approach is effective and safe. She has helped 1000s of patients overcome debilitating symptoms and difficult illnesses by addressing the root causes, not just masking the symptoms.

A graduate of Columbia College of Columbia University in New York City, where she grew up, Dr. Riobe later obtained her medical degree at New York Medical College and completed her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Medical College of Pennsylvania and the University of South Carolina. She learned conventional medical practices that she used for four years following her graduation and board certification in OB/GYN. Dr. Riobe grew increasingly frustrated with the “cookie-cutter” Western medicine that she had learned and practiced. Although Western medicine serves its purpose for acute, life-threatening conditions, the Doctor felt that patients who suffered from chronic conditions such as fatigue, poor sleep, low sex drive, and obesity often did not find relief from the prescriptions and advice given.

As a child, Dr. Riobe learned holistic healing methods from her grandmother. These methods, learned from someone she trusted and loved, planted her passion to treat her patients in a more holistic fashion.

She allowed her passion to treat the root cause of a problem to lead her to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Integrative Medicine, and Functional Medicine, eventually mastering these Eastern and fused methodologies.

She received her degrees in TCM and functional, integrative medicine at The Academy of Pain Research, a University of California, Irvine-affiliated institution as well as at The University of Miami, and through The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Boca Raton, Florida.

Dr. Riobe incorporates these three disciplines into her practice to provide an integrative, customized approach combining leading-edge modern medical testing and technology with time-tested energy-based methods of TCM.

In her books, The Tao of Integrative Medicine and The Answer to Cancer, she makes sense out of the chaos that is our current health crisis and sets a path to prevention of diseases such as cancer as practiced at The Riobe Institute. The Riobe Method also provides effective treatment of chronic symptoms and conditions after they take hold.

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Dr Dorothy Martin Neville March 05, 2019
Speaker Author Psychotherapist

Claiming the fullness of your leadership requires recognizing and challenging the stories you tell yourself about both you and about the world itself. Nobody knows that better than Dr. Dorothy. From an orphanage, through growing up in the housing projects of South Boston, becoming a Catholic nun, an international airline stewardess, a mother, divorcee, psychotherapist, adjunct graduate faculty, a clinical instructor at UConn Medical School, a pioneer in integrative health, founding 4 companies, and moving to the Caribbean for almost 10 years, an author, and an Executive Leadership Coach/Consultant she has confronted her stories and the need for taking risks in order to grow like few others.

Dorothy’s personal journey in Spiritual Growth as well her understanding of the interconnectedness of Emotional Intelligence with Spiritual Development brings a multi-dimensional approach to her work, a work she loves. Having founded a school, The Institute of Healing Arts and Sciences, with 2 and 4 yr. programs which focused on a method of Energy Medicine she developed specializing in the psycho/spiritual correlates of physical disease and disorders, her work required her students, many of whom were physicians and varied other medical practitioners, to look at the need for depths of self-awareness and the ability to see themselves objectively, without judgment, and with unconditional love. That is the sole way of having truly in-depth healing and unlimited potential in claiming your leadership and changing the world.

A moniker her students gave her, the Dottie Lama, demonstrated the power she possessed to support their personal growth, with humor and faith, while she showed them a world, and a life, they never knew they could create. Dorothy is an example of what she teaches. Having once been told she was not qualified for nursing school because she attended an unaccredited inner-city high school, she has recently been asked to head the Health Committee of a UN Global Summit on Conscious Capitalism, where, as a leader in her field, she will speak of the need to bring heart, soul, and humanity into healthcare.

Dr. Dorothy has shown that leadership, to be effective, must have impact and that the level of impact you want to have requires an equal level of personal growth and transformation. Dr. Dorothy is a member of the National Speakers Association and Past-President of the Connecticut chapter of NSA. As a best-selling author, her newest book, Real Women Change The World (releasing on March 8th on International Women's Day 2019), addresses just that.

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