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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Naomi Cook August 23, 2018
Founder Project Starseed, Author, Healer, Remote Viewer, Registered Nurse

There may well be millions of ‘Starseed’ incarnate here on Earth right now – each with a special task to undertake and facilitate. It is Naomi’s intention through creating the Project Starseed database that we gently place our energies away from the ‘push’ for Disclosure to a personal revelation of the truths surrounding our Intergalactic Heritage.

Why? Some of you may ask – the answer is simple: By purposefully keeping ourselves within an energy pattern of ‘pushing for’ or ‘needing’ by the laws of the Universe we create or manifest a tomorrow with the same energies – the same reality unfolds, like groundhog day.

In addition to this is the fact is that being in opposition to what may be perceived as a ‘stronger force then you’ i.e the Elite or Global Governments we are reinforcing Duality and Polarity – not Unity.

How can a Unity Consciousness and Global Integration with the Intergalactic communities even occur with this battle for truth going on here on Earth? When there is a war, be it physical or for information – there is no peace. There is no Unity. Instead the change and change of focus must start within each and everyone of us.

To commence Global Unity Consciousness, we each have a role to play as an Awakened Starseed who simply knows they are a part of a much bigger picture. By ‘coming out’ firstly to ourselves on our Inner Truths, we can slowly then ‘come out’ as a group who feels and knows themselves to have Intergalactic Histories and maybe intergalactic Origins. The knock on effect will be two fold – firstly as conscious entities we are constantly ‘feeding back’ to the greater Consciousness which means our thought patterns will impact upon the thoughts of others – Sheldrake’s ‘Morphic Resonance’. Secondly by placing our Energies into this group and emerging truths as headcount numbers increase our ‘reality’ will change and mold around us: Disclosure won’t be the focus but will occur as a side effect or by product of this.

Note from Naomi:  I know in the Disclosure circles there is, for good reason, a lot of fear and paranoia in discussing and sharing secret ET, UFO and intergalactic information.  The good thing is, there is nothing secretive about Project Starseed, this project or me! I’ve got a huge online history which, if you are concerned about ‘signing up’ as an Awakened Starseed, I encourage you to have a good look through.

In short, I’m a mum of two, Registered Nurse – “Nurse Naomi” and Energy Healer (Reiki Master, Theta Healer, Intuitive Healer) and Remote Viewer. I am an Author: my memoir How She Healed Me is now available on Amazon. I also write children’s books aimed at inspiring and empowering children to harness their own health and wellbeing, check out The Little Bush Nurse. I blog as Nurse Naomi on integrative and mainstream aspects of health and wellness.

Facebook for Project Starseed


Cameron Live Guest, Carmela Tunzi August 17, 2018
Hypnotherapist, Hypnotist, entrepreneur

Carmela Tunzi, CMNLP, CHT, CJSJ, CRM, CMER

About Mind Flow Hypnosis

We believe that Mind Flow Hypnosis offers the absolutely best service available, the lowest possible cost, with the least amount of hassle.  We can play a key role in helping you meet challenges such as weight loss, quitting smoking and managing undesirable behavior.

Carmela is a lifelong entrepreneur with a natural gift of working with people, making her an expert in communication. She positively impacts everyone around her and is highly sought-after for her intuitive healing qualities.

Carmela's solutions direct her clients to their highest wellness and needs. Having an innate gift with people of all types and personalities paired with a superior solution-oriented approach, she's been granted years of success of healing with positive outcomes.

Carmela has an interest in human psychology and behavior gave her an incredible edge. She became acutely aware or the mind body connection and fascinated with psychology and human behavior. Carmela studied a variety of modalities to achieve stellar results in one’s goals. During Carmela’s research on “attaining excellence” she found NLP (neuro linguistic programming) which opened new doors for understanding the human brain – how we interact with it and, more importantly, the tools to have outstanding results. Carmela has worked with top performers in many industries over the last 15 years and has helped hundreds of people achieve all kinds of results. Her specific areas of interest include high performance solutions, communication tools and techniques for overcoming obstacles.

Carmela contributes to her community by attending Los Angeles Health based and spiritual fundraisers.

Certified Master Practitioner of NLP

Certified Mental Emotional Release Therapy

Certified Hypnotherapy

Certified Master Reiki Teacher Practitioner

Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner


Cameron Live Guest, Candy Loya August 17, 2018
Actress, Model, Writer, Radio Host

Candy Loya a Californian Native from Downey, Ca. a television host and Actress, Model, writer, Radio Host Personality. Over the Past 3 years Candy has worked in a wide variety of professional capacitates both in the private & public sectors. Candy has earned her AA in Liberal Arts & Communications at Los Angeles Trade Tech in 2014 and she will pursue her education to obtain her Bachelors in Broadcasting Journalism.

Thus Far Candy has worked on various projects such as: 2014-2015 Media Consultant and Journalist Rep for hollywood Productions 2014 LA Talk Radio with Host Cameron Datzker as special Co host 2013 Runway Fashion Model for Designer JVONOHAY LUCCI 2013 Carlos Rojas Movie Premiere Event 2012 Groove G Shack Radio as a Co host Candy Loya Can be summed up into two positive words Happy& Adrenaline Candy's personality and character both bring your everyday interaction to the point where you will not get enough of her and her perky personality or she will make you smile and laugh. With amazing and strong ties to her family and community involvement such as volunteering at the Cerritos charity for Abused Women.

Being a lover of animals as an activist for rescued and abused dogs. Candy's goals and dreams are to write her autobiography about her life tribulations to help inspire others and fight to make it in life. Candy is known by many as a Loving Friend, nurturing mother and Professional and career minded woman ready to face her next Challenge.

Paranormal Truth and Reality Guest, Domizio Cipriani August 17, 2018
Grand Prior of Knights Templar

Born in Milan July 14, 1969, DOMIZIO CIPRIANI grew up in Milan at the age of 29 years, where he carried on the family business in the real estate development. Semi-professional sportsman, Enduro Motorcycle and rally raid pilot, Martial Arts Master with three black belts in different disciplines. He was always being attracted by the pursuit of gnosis and truth, and this is also due to the weight of its name. At age of 29 years-old, he moved to Monaco to develop his work even in the financial field, where founded the company with which it now works as an international financial consultant. In 2010 had the great honor of being able to reactivate the Order of the Knights Templar of Monte Carlo and he was appointed due to his background, Grand Magistral Prior. This assignment really changed his life, giving it a universal guideline that he can follow with confidence, dealing with humanitarian work and creating an academy of study in order to pass on to others the gained knowledge, the so-called fourth street. He got to meet many teachers along the way, gaining considerable experience and being able to live the deep emotions that lead him to be thankful for every moment of joy that lives every day in harmony with the invisibles universe around him. As described in the book, he felt motivated to relate these experiences to share with everyone else.

About my book: Templar Order – The ­templar's path, the p­ath towards the wisdo­m, a new book by Gran­d Prior Domizio Cipri­ani was published tod­ay.

This book delves int­­o the the Templar Kni­­ghts and their belie­f­s. It is an interes­ti­ng look into the a­nci­ent order and the­ir w­ays. This book i­s put­ together by th­e Pres­ident and Co-F­ounder ­of the Monega­sque ass­ociation Ord­er of the­ Knights Te­mplar of J­erusalem.

This book delves int­o the the Templar Kni­ghts and their belief­s. It is an interesti­ng look into the anci­ent order and their w­ays. This book is put­ together by the Pres­ident and Co-Founder ­of the Monegasque ass­ociation Order of the­ Knights Templar of J­erusalem.

In its page­s you will find a ple­thora of information ­on the Knights Templa­r along with a lot of­ food for thought. Re­ading this will have ­you taking another lo­ok at your personal l­ife and actions. Whil­e finding this a book­ requiring deep thoug­ht it is alsi filled ­with fascinating info­rmation regarding the­ Templars. Admist lea­rning about the Templ­ars you will find ele­ments to use in your ­own life.

This is an ­insightful read but d­oes require quiet so ­you can focus. "I woul­d encourage you to re­ad it and gain knowle­dge about this order ­and insights into the­ir thinking. This is ­not a long read but v­ery informative."

Is true that the seal "graal l'abraxas" (in Gnostic cosmology, Abraxas is the name of the highest God, which is the unborn Father) and the Gnostic character of the Order's hierarchy. Christianity in all his knowledge claims, as stated by our Lord Jesus Christ: "The Kingdom of Heaven is for each of you, nothing else is to be found because it is clear that the rest will be given through faith."

This Holy Grail, which is the revelation of the awakening, the Order of the Knights Templar the door in its essence, having regards to the awakening formula and the content of the traditional investiture ritual: Awake, brave knight! The Knights Templar were custodians of other initiatory traditions, a crossroads of cultures, the Knights Templar attended erudite and scholars coming from other civilizations.

The Grand Prior Domizio also interested in a more occult aspect, which revolves around the Notre Dame currents, Mary of Magdala, currents that lead to subsidiaries of all the aristocratic families of the Holy Grail and certain organizations that perpetuate this tradition. No one doubts that the current Order brothers will, in this testimony of a committed Knight Templar, subjects on which to reflect.

This book will incite the Knights Templar of the Order to deepen the subjects evoked. It will also be an indispensable manual for novices who want to be integrated on a little-known path. Congratulations to the Grand Prior Domizio Cipriani for having made his research available to the general public.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Julie Rosenberg MD August 15, 2018
Pharmaceutical Executive, Global healthcare leader, Yoga advocate, Author

Julie Rosenberg is a physician executive who works in the pharmaceutical industry where she oversees a multi-million-dollar global drug development program. In addition, Julie has devoted the last 15 years to the in-depth study and practice of yoga. She received her advanced teaching certification from Down Under Yoga in Boston in 2015, under the tutelage of Natasha Rizopoulos. In 2017, she was selected by Number 1 executive coach and leadership thinker Marshall Goldsmith from among 16,000 applicants as one of the MG 100 coaches. Enthusiastic and passionate about helping people ensure good health for life and quality of survival, Julie has become a highly sought-after keynote speaker for corporations, patient groups, and premier resorts and health spas. She lives in Connecticut and Florida. Beyond the Mat is her first book.

The millennia-old physical, mental, and spiritual discipline of yoga has made it possible for me to enhance my ability to handle stress and anxiety and to build my resilience, agility, and stamina. This has not only helped me by supporting my health and well-being, but it has also strengthened my leadership capacity and capability in a large corporate environment. Yoga has been so effective in improving my own life—both at work and at home—that I decided to become certified as an instructor so I could share this passion with others. My goals are to teach people to embrace the principles and practice of yoga beyond the mat and to support their journey toward health and wellness.

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