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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Shadow Politics Guest, Micah Spangler September 13, 2020
Micah Spangler was a Romney Victory Field Director in 2012, working with then-Gov. Romney’s presidential campaign and the Republican National Committee to lead voter mobilization efforts in South Florida.  

Spangler recently made news with the launch of “Romney Alumni for Biden”—a diverse collection of more than 40 Romney campaign veterans that decided to put country before party and publicly endorse Joe Biden for president. 

Their statement, warning that “four more years of a Trump presidency will morally bankrupt this country, irreparably damage our democracy and permanently transform the Republican Party into a toxic personality cult,” has since appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, Fox, CBS, Newsweek, Forbes and NPR. 
Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Bruce Baker September 11, 2020
Former Westminster City Council member

I grew up in the Denver Metro Area, graduated from Lakewood High School, graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in Pharmacy and a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry.​  After the Army I spent over three decades as a Retail Pharmacist.  I'm married, have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.  I served on City Council from 2013 to 2017.  I have shared my views on the path to better government widely; in several opinion articles, a research  paper and many letters to the editor in local papers.  I consider candidates that refuse to give specific, detailed answers to questions about what they want of accomplish as typical politicians, unhelpful to voters and demeaning to the election process.  Good Government needs openness and transparency, especially in the consideration process.   Thru my actions I have worked toward that end.

Elect Bruce Baker to Westminster City Council

I will keep Westminster green by voting to lower the water rates so we can afford to water our landscapes

I will keep Westminster less crowded by honoring the intent of our Open Space Tax and Comprehensive Plan and not increasing housing densities.

I will keep Westminster a good place to live by refocusing the attention of Council on the people that live here TODAY instead of wasting millions of dollars on becoming "the next urban center of the Colorado Front Range.

I will end the ridiculous use of 'consultants' for jobs that should be done by city staff.

The members of City Council should be the stewards of city assets and should use those assets to allow the people of Westminster make their homes, neighborhoods and businesses attractive, inviting places.

The harmful choice that council has made, like the excessive water rates or jamming in thousands of apartments, will harm our homes, neighborhoods and businesses.

When I served on council from 2013 to 2017, I fought for the needs of the people of Westminster and thrifty, smart, efficient, responsive government.  I have the passion, experience and knowledge to reverse the harmful choices that have been made by council.  It is time we return the mission of council to serving the people rather than the ridiculous fantasies and corrupt deals that are wasting our tax dollars.

Know the Name Know the Answers Guest, Tom Paladino September 10, 2020
Researcher, scientist, healer

Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space and universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, pyramid energy or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar energy.


I began research with scalar energy during my undergraduate years. Inspired by various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla (a genius who invented alternating current), I was curious to learn more about the existence of an energy that was not of the electromagnetic spectrum. I pursued a course of independent study in order to better understand and subsequently harness scalar energy, as this emerging science is not taught at the university level.


One of my scientific predecessors was T. Galen Hieronymus, a resident of Georgia and one of the few scalar energy researchers in the United States in the last century. I read Galen's notes and used his instruments after his death.


Some of Galen's inventions, according to a 1977 magazine article, were "quasielectronic instruments that could (a) analyze the component elements of an ore sample without spectroscopic, chemical or other orthodox methods, and, most surprising of all, (b) influence (even kill) living organisms, even from vast distances, with no scientifically understandable mechanism at the other end."


I theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; and that the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin, "the storehouses," for scalar energy. I further theorized that scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. Scalar energy provides order in the universe.


Based on these theories and the work of scientists who came before me, I was able to develop scalar energy instruments capable of harnessing and transmitting instructive energy to heal human subjects remotely. You can think of this as similar to a radio broadcast with my instruments as the broadcaster, and your body as the receiver. The difference is that the energy transmitted is not electromagnetic, and is therefore immeasurable by traditional science.


My instruments provide a remote, fast, harmless and painless treatment process that has successfully healed patients with HIV/AIDS, Ebola, herpes, hepatitis, Lyme disease, and over 400,000 pathogens that cause disease. They administer the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. Bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan, can all be disassembled, representing a cure for thousands of diseases. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eliminated, the symptoms associated with that infection decrease or disappear altogether.

Lab experiments were conducted in 2015 that served to prove that my scalar energy pathogen cleanse disassembles and subsequently destroys micro-organisms at a distance by way of a photograph.


An independent, out-of-state laboratory submitted magnified photographs of various species of living protozoan to me to be treated by way of the scalar energy instrument. Four experiments were conducted in which various species of Paramecium, Volvox, Amoeba, Euglena and Stentor were treated with scalar energy, resulting in these protozoa being disassembled and subsequently destroyed.


The lab experiments were video recorded in order to substantiate the efficacy of the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse to disassemble and destroy pathogens. You can check my websites to see the results!


Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida. For full details on how you can receive scalar energy treatments remotely, call 805.364.3051.

Life Changes Show Guest, Dr Anneloes Smitsman September 07, 2020
Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre. She is a visionary scientist, published author, world designer, system architect, and leadership catalyst


Dr. Anneloes Smitsman (Ph.D., LLM), is the Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre. She is a visionary scientist, published author, world designer, system architect, and leadership catalyst for a Thrivability Civilization.

She holds a Masters degree in Law and Judicial Political Sciences from Leiden University, the Netherlands, and received a degree of Doctor from the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, where she conducted her Ph.D. as external researcher at the Maastricht Sustainable Institute (formerly ICIS). Her PhD dissertation ​Into the Heart of Systems Change​, is gaining international traction for addressing the systemic barriers of our world crisis through the proposed ​Transition Plan for a Thrivability Civilization​, based on the Cosmic architecture of living systems.

Anneloes is currently working on a new book with her mentor and friend, ​Dr Jean Houston​. The new book is written as a spiritual-science novel that guides people through the process of becoming a future human of future worlds, via the Cosmic Architecture of Life. Anneloes is also the author of the Amazon Bestseller ​Love Letters from Mother Earth – The Promise of a New Beginning,​ a collection of 13 Letters in the voice of our Mother Earth for the actualization of our collective wisdom potentials, which is coming out in audio form later this year.

Her passion is developing new Constitutions of higher orders of reality for world design, based on the Cosmic architecture of Life. She has been applying this through the design and architecture for ​the EARTHwise Tipping Point System​, ​which is an evolutionary cohering system designed for civilizational transformation. As part of this architecture, Anneloes has brought together a cutting-edge group of world designers, future creatives, evolutionary catalysts, pattern weavers, and new paradigm storytellers through the ​TPS Wisdom Collaboratory​, to serve as the imaginal cells for our collective metamorphosis.

Anneloes is also a powerful teacher of Evolutionary Leadership, Sacred Feminine, Social Innovation, and Transformational Change. Her unique education programs, teachings, and consciousness actualizing practices have empowered thousands of people and organizations from around the world to step into their greatness and actualize our genius.

Her deepest commitment is Love in Action, as shared in her ​TEDx talk​. To stand together united for issues that deserve and require our deepest care and shared responsibility. This application becomes visible in the way she carries her many evolutionary leadership responsibilities. Anneloes is a member of the ​Global Change Leaders network, served in 2018 as evolutionary judge for the ​Evolutionary Future Challenge​, is a founding member of the Creative Board of ​the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research​, serves on the Board of the Global Education Futures Initiative​, serves as a ​R3.0 Advocation Partner​, and is a member of the​ E​volutionary Leaders Circl​e,​ a​ project of the S​ource of Synergy Foundation​.

Life Changes Show Guest, Yalil Guerra September 07, 2020
Grammy award winner, Producer, composer and arranger


At the age of 16, Guerra won the International Competition & Festival of Classical Guitar in Krakow, Poland, as well as the Special Prize, thus becoming the youngest Cuban ever awarded a prize in an international competition.

He then started his career as a producer, composer and arranger in and has worked since then with many industry companies and professionals.

Nowadays he writes music for US TV networks such as Univision, Telefutura and Canal 41 Miami; the music of shows such as: FIFA World Cup music theme 2010, Viva el Sueño (2009), the Latin Grammy Awards (2005 through 2009), Premio lo Nuestro (2006 through 2010), Up front (2005 and 2006), Escándalo TV, Tributo a nuestra música, Premios Juventud, etc. are among his credits. He is producing and composing albums in his recording facility for artist such us Yamila Guerra and Rosell y Cary, in Burbank in California.

In 2012 Guerra won the Latin Grammy in the Best Classical Contemporary Composition for his work “Seducción,” included in the album “Live in L.A. Another track from the same album was also nominee in the same category: the “Preludio Nº.1 by Aurelio de la Vega.

In 2010, Guerra was nominated by the Latin Recording Academy in the Best Classical Album category, with his first album “Old Havana” Chamber Music Vol. I. Latin Grammy Awards of 2010 #Classical Field

That year, Guerra was also awarded Runner-up by the Brandon Fradd Fellowship in music composition. Four awarded compositions have been included on his new album entitled “Old Havana.”

In June 2011, his second album Old Havana Chamber Music Vol. II was released with music for chamber ensembles and soloists.

From August to December, Guerra worked in the Univision projects as producer, orchestrator, arranger and sound engineer: The XII “Latin Grammy Awards” music theme; “Mira Quien Baila” (full season -2nd-); Despierta América promos and National Noticiero Univisión.

He also worked as a vocal sound engineer for pop star Cristian Castro (Universal Music Group) in his album “Que Viva el Principe, Vol. 2”, also touring with the artist as a vocal sound producer and guitarist, 2011 tour.

Guerra has worked with other international artist such us Celia Cruz, Rey Ruiz, Albita Rodriguez, Choco Orta, Issacc Delgado, Manolin “El Medico de la Salsa”, Los Adolescentes, Yamila Guerra and many more.

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