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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Featured Guest Interviews

The Sports Doctor Guest, Matt Dahl March 16, 2022
Creator of the innovative Sanddune Stepper

California native and owner of Sanddune Stepper, Matt Dahl, currently resides off the beautiful Colorado River in Parker, Az. For the last 53 years, Matt has dedicated himself to training (training for what?). Everyday Matt proves wrong the myth old men can’t reclaim their movement and MANHOOD. Today at 67, Matt still throws on the skates, hops on the Harley or jet ski and rides. 

The Sanddune Stepper is a great prehab or rehab and performance tool for ANYBODY from pee wees to professionals to the elderly. What once started out as a tool for... Matt saw the need for entering Neurological and Rehabilitation genres that led to athletes and coaches using the Sanddune Stepper now at the highest level of performance training.
Responder Resilience Guest, Stephanie Samuels Director and Founder COPLINE March 16, 2022
Founder and President of COPLINE and Psychotherapist working with first responders

Stephanie Samuels is a psychotherapist who works exclusively with first responders, mostly law enforcement in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma. Ms. Samuels has lectured all over the country on PTSD and vicarious trauma, including undiagnosed PTSD and the fallout from departmental silence after officers are involved in critical incidents.

Ms. Samuels began her career as one of the founding teens of Teen Line Cares, a mental health help line for teens. Ms. Samuels recognized that teens only trusted and confided in other teens. With this same concept in mind, Ms. Samuels went on to create two law enforcement officer hotlines. She is currently the Founder and President of COPLINE, Inc., the first Confidential National Law Enforcement Officers' Hotline in the country manned by retired officers.

She is the general partner of The Counseling and Critical Incident Debriefing Center, LLC, which specializes in debriefing and long term counseling of first responders and their families. She taught at the Monmouth County Police Academy for 16 years and has been a guest lecturer at The FBI Academy in Quantico. Ms. Samuels was hired after the Boston Bombing as the Clinical Director of the Boston Police Department Peer Support Unit and co-founded the LEADER (Law Enforcement Active Duty Emergency Responder) Program at Harvard's McLean Hospital and continues to work with the Boston Police Department in a different capacity.

Ms. Samuels has co-authored Under the Blue Shadow: Clinical and Behavioral Perspectives on Police Suicide with Dr. John Violanti and a chapter entitled "Police Trauma: Past Exposures and Present Consequences" in the book Managing Traumatic Stress Risk: A Proactive Approach.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Maurice Stanley Emmer March 11, 2022

Maurice Emmer was the first person to declare his candidacy for Aspen mayor in the May 2015 election.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Scott Powell March 11, 2022
Author, Columnist

Scott S. Powell, has been an entrepreneur for 30+ years, founding two companies. He has been a fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and is currently senior fellow at Discovery Institute. Having been a frequent guest on national radio and TV, he has also published 250 articles in such publications as the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s Financial, New York Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Union, Florida Sun Sentinel, USA Today and some two dozen other newspapers and journals in the U.S., Japan and Europe. He has been called on twice to provide expert witness testimony for the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

His background has been shaped by the school of hard knocks. After working and saving, Scott took a leave of absence from undergraduate studies, back-packing around the world for several years to some 48 countries—chronicling poverty, oppression and dysfunction. After returning, he graduated from the University of Chicago (B.A. and M.A.) and received his Ph.D. from Boston University. This is his third book.

Luminescence Guest, Sandy Anastasi March 10, 2022
psychic, astrologer

Sandy has been a professional psychic and astrologer since 1979. She holds a B.S. degree from Adelphi University and has teaching certifications in several fields. In addition to teaching, Sandy has worked as a Safety Engineer, and owned her own small bookstore for many years before retiring to become a fulltime psychic counselor, writer and teacher. Sandy’s writings include books on Astrology, Kabbala, and Tarot, as well as psychic development. Internationally renowned psychic channel Sandy Anastasi has established herself as one of the preeminent teachers of our time. With more than 30 years of experience, Sandy is a leading expert in Psychic Development, Astrology and Tarot. Through Sandy’s classes, workshops, lectures and appearances, she is able to share her knowledge to help people enhance their lives. Sandy was a significant contributor to psychic medium John Edward’s Web site, InfiniteQuest.Com, which launched June 12th, 2009, and provided valuable insight alongside some of the nation’s top metaphysical teachers for three years. Sandy has also appeared on many radio and television shows over the years, most notably Crossing Over and Cross Country – both television shows hosted by her good friend and former student, John Edward.

Infinite Quest by John Edward – “This book is dedicated to Sandy Anastasi for helping me harness and train my ability, and shape and develop my teaching.” — Psychic Medium John Edward

With more than 30 years of teaching experience, Sandy Anastasi has been successfully training students, teachers, and professional psychics worldwide how to open, develop, and master their psychic abilities. Created from her live workshop material, the Anastasi System of Psychic Development is ideally suited for the aspiring psychic, channel, or psychic medium. I’m so pleased that Sandy has agreed to join me the second week of every odd month right here on Luminescence, Common Sense Spirituality Radio show.

Articles, Headlines, Featured Guests, New Music and Discussion Posts

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Dr. Robert Weil, DPM
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The Chuck & Julie Show
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When Antifa thugs try to disrupt a pro police rally in Fort Collins they get a surprise pushback.…