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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Life Changes Show Guest, Steve Jordan July 02, 2018
Fitness Trainer


About Steve

Hi! My name is Steve Jordan and I’m grateful you’re taking the first step towards a healthy and fit lifestyle.

I’ve always loved to exercise and feel good. I was the kid who couldn’t sit still in class and would much rather be playing a sport or playing with friends.

I played every sport and I was always at least a year younger of all my friends and teammates. I excelled in lacrosse and football in high school capturing the title of captain for both sports with All State honors in lacrosse. However, I was never the biggest, nor the fastest or the most athletic. But I was always extremely determined and persistent to be just as good or better than my older friends.

Growing up was not easy for me. My parent were strong believers in “tough love” and they expected a lot from me and were hard to please, so there was always tension at home. I got picked on, bullied and even beaten up by older classmates in high school. Excelling in sports was a way to gain respect and acceptance among my peers.

Playing Sports Was My Way To Feel Accepted

I had lacrosse scholarships to division III schools, but really had my heart set on playing at the University of Maryland a division I powerhouse that was always a dream. So, I enrolled and sent a highlight tape to the coach and was turned down for a scholarship, but was offered a “good look” if I walked on. I eventually got accepted for my academics and decided to just go for it. Why not? I always worked my tail off to gain the respect and admiration of my classmates, so why couldn’t I do it here too.

My college dreams of playing lacrosse didn’t turn out exactly the way I dreamed of. These dreams were derailed after an accident falling off a two story balcony landing on my head resulting in brain surgery to save my life and prevent permanent brain damage. This TBI (traumatic brain injury) shattered my identity. I didn’t know who I was or how I would recover.

Would anyone want to hang out with me if I couldn’t speak in full sentences without stuttering?

Was I going to be made fun of because I was paralyzed on the left side of my face?

Were people going to feel sorry for me and make feel bad about myself?

Could I study and finish school if I couldn’t even remember a phone number or someones name?

What was the rest of my life going to be like???

These and so many more questions polluted my mind constantly.

I mustered up as much positive energy as I could during these transformative years into a full recovery to live a life of health and fitness.

I had an obsessive belief that I would recover

During my three year recovery both physically and cognitively, I realized that being fit was not just about looking good, or performing better in sports, but it was a way to rebuild myself from the inside out, including my self esteem, my character and my passion to just feel great regardless of what I looked like. But when I started seeking information, mentors and inspiration on how to create a better life for myself, that’s when everything started to change for the better.

My first career job was a  personal trainer at the White House under the Clinton administration for one year, I built a small private training business while finishing my Kinesiology degree at the University of Maryland.

Even with this initial career success, my career journey was not easy. Although I physically and mentally I showed no signs of this terrible accident, I still had the the emotional scars of the fear of being judged, being different and the fear of failure.

Since then it’s been an uphill endeavor for me to create, build and grow both personally and professionally to keep myself inspired and relevant.

But I’ve learned to practice gratitude along this journey and harness that same positive energy I did when I was going through my recovery from the TBI to create and manifest an awesome career that is highlighted throughout this website and beyond.

I’ve been a educator teaching cutting edge exercise science for the top companies in the fitness and sports performance arenas. I’ve trained all kinds of people of all demographics including some of the most influential or successful people in the world who could hire anyone, at any price to learn how to be healthy and fit. I’ve spoken in front of fortune 500 companies and have had guest speaking opportunities at world class retreats. And I’ve traveled to the most luxurious and remote destinations around the world with client’s in ways that are fit for a king. And much more.

Educating and inspiring people is my purpose

But no matter where I’ve been, what I’ve achieved or who I’ve trained…I still struggle with my insecurities of not being good enough. Nonetheless, I find that passion for teaching health and fitness to others which fuels me to keep rising above and not falling, growing and not dying, creating and not destroying, and giving and not withholding.

I’m a firm believer that living a healthy and fit life, the journey you experience, and the lives you impact is more important than what you do or what you have accumulated. I got a taste of living how the 1% of the 1% live. And I realized that when I commit to my vision and purpose – I give 100% of my passion…and anything is possible for you and I.

It’s hard to think that over the past 23 years since my accident from almost paralyzed, brain dead and almost dead that I could have all these extraordinary experiences I’ve had in my career and life.

Now I’m committed to impacting 1 billion lives. I teach people how to pursue a healthy and fit lifestyle to fulfill their life’s dreams.

I do this through my online training, podcast, blog, videos, retreats and one on one interactions.

I’m so grateful where life has taken me and the life that I’ve chosen to live everyday. I believe we are all composers of our own life, and I’m truly blessed for the adversity I’ve faced. It makes me appreciate my life now and have a deeper compassion for others who suffer in much bigger ways.

I’ve been mentoring young health and fitness professionals through email, phone calls and even mentor programs I’ve created here in LA at my private training studio.

Always remember you were born for a purpose and something bigger than your ego. But YOU have to stop making the excuse that you can’t be healthy and fit because you do have the answers or resources. No one is going to do it for you! No one did it for me.

It’s your Responsibility to create a healthy and fit life where you can do and live your dreams like I am. No one is going to give you the power to build your mental strength, emotional stability and physical prowess. That’s all up to you!

Your dreams matter because YOU Matter! Never forget that!  But you must learn to focus on the positive, build the foundation, visualize the goal and use the tools to compose your own story. Be the star you were born to be. Start the journey with me because the world is a better place when you are healthy and fit my friend!

Trust me! You have what it takes to be healthy and fit!

Steve Jordan, BS, CSCS, CES, PES, CPT, HLC

Life Changes Show Guest, Ty Taylor July 02, 2018
Trombonist and Songwriter


Ty Taylor on his…

“The Nouveau MId-Century Romance Songbook”

It was the yellow brick road that lead me to my crush on mid-century jazz standards. At age 7, while watching The Wizard of Oz and understanding the message of “somewhere over the rainbow,” I felt the the sky and my dreams open. I owe my a lot of my optimism to composer Harold Arlen. 
That same year I remember staying up past my bed time and sneaking in a viewing of the Billie Holiday bio pic Lady Sings The Blues.  When Abel Meeropol’s“ Strange Fruit” scratched my ears it ushered my soul to a depth that no seven year old should dive into.  In one year I fell in love with the brightest and darkest songs I’ve heard even to this day and a style, genre and period of music that most effortlessly connects to core of  who I am. I started taking voice lessons the following year and my favorite songs were those of Gershwin, Porter, Ellington, Strayhorne and the like. My favorite voices were Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Sara Vaughn, Mel Torme, Dinah Washington and the singing of famous trumpeter, Chet Baker. The themes, melodies, chords, timelessness and sheer coolness of those early american songbook tunes were unparalleled. 
When a trombone fell from the heavens, into my hands and upon my lips it cherried my adoration for jazz and mid-century music.  I started penning my own valentine’s to songbook that formed me. I challenge myself everyday to create pieces that will pepper our somewhat cold zeitgeist with kiss of old fashioned fine romance.
Paranormal Truth and Reality Guest, Jonathan Taylor July 13, 2018
Paranormal Investigator

Jonathan has been to Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Mansfield Reformatory, Renaissance Hotel, Grey's Armory. He felt a presence at Waverly and possibly caught an apparition in a picture. Jonathan enjoys spending time with his children and family. He strives to making the most out of every day and doing everything while he can.

Angel Answers Guest, JONATHAN ROBINSON July 16, 2018
Jonathan Robinson who is a psychotherapist, best-selling author of 12 books, and a professional speaker

Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist, best-selling author of 12 books, and a professional speaker from Northern California. Mr. Robinson has made numerous appearances on the Oprah show, as well as many other national TV talk shows, and articles about him have appeared in USA Today, Newsweek and The Los Angeles Times.

For the past 30 years he has spoken to dozens of Fortune 500 companies including Google, Microsoft, Dell Computer, Coca-Cola, and Fed-Ex. Jonathan has written several bestseller books including, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Awakening Your Spirituality;” “The Experience of God,” “The Little Book of Big Questions;” and “Communication Miracles for Couples.” He co-hosts the podcast “Awareness Explorers” with author Brian Tom O’Connor. Through TV, live lectures and radio, Mr. Robinson has reached over 100 million people around the world. He is known for providing his audiences with immediately useful information presented in a fun and entertaining manner.

The Veterans News Hour Guest, Kathryn Thomas July 16, 2018
Executive Director of Yoga 4 Change, and Navy veteran

Kathryn Thomas is the Executive Director of Yoga 4 Change located in Florida, as well as the CEO of ANAMAR Environmental Consulting, Inc.   After serving in the United States Navy as a helicopter pilot, she began studying to become a Yoga teacher through the Yoga School of Kailua.  Upon moving to Jacksonville, Florida, she witnessed the need for mental, emotional, and physical healing in her new community and started Yoga 4 Change to fill that void.  Kathryn has training in multiple disciplines including Power Yoga, Chair Yoga, Hatha Yoga, and Yoga Nidra.  Kathryn formerly served on the board of the Yoga Service Council, where she worked as the project manager and contributed to two of the Best Practice Book Series: Yoga with Veterans, and Yoga in the Criminal Justice System.   In her new role as the CEO of ANAMAR, Kathryn is focusing on the business development of the company, while taking the administrative duties off the shoulders of the technical staff.  Kathryn resides in Florida with her husband, daughter and their 2 Labrador Retrievers.

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