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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Featured Guest Interviews

A Fireside Chat Guest, John Vivanco June 09, 2018
Remote Viewer, Author, Teacher and Metaphysical Investigator

John Vivanco has been a professional Remote Viewer for 20 years and was part of the first Civilian Remote Viewing organizations after the government declassified the program. His organization was hired to investigate the unknown, including work with the FBI after 9/11 on counter-terror issues, and with corporations on business issues.

His searches for lost treasures lead him to a collaboration with the National Geographic Channel and he continues to this day developing ideas around TV, teaching, investigating, and running a team of Remote Viewers on many exciting projects. His current focus lies mostly in the realm of untangling locations of high High Strangeness then heading out on expeditions, to investigate.  You can find John at the links provided, and he's also on Facebook!

Paranormal Truth and Reality Guest, Kat Hobson June 08, 2018
Paranormal Investigator and Paranormal Radio Host

Kat Hobson is a seasoned paranormal researcher, investigator and host of Paranormal Experienced Radio. She and her guests share knowledge and experience and offer advice about the paranormal useful to both novice enthusiasts and seasoned veterans of the field alike. They discuss paranormal news, investigation advice, equipment tech tips, investigation experiences, paranormal trivia and much more.

Kat has many gifts including discernment of spirits & is able to know intent & to communicate with them. She has worked extensively with her teams and their clients to resolve many cases to date. While investigations in known haunted locations is good training & interesting, Kat feels that her gifts were given to aid individuals in distress in what should be their safe environments. Residential hauntings are where her heart lies. 

Kat joined Spirit Communications & REsearch (SCARE) of Alabama in 2013 as an experienced paranormal investigator and researcher. In addition to helping residential clients, she has also investigated many haunted locations including the Sorrel Weed House, Pensacola Lighthouse, St. Augustine Lighthouse, the Key West Lighthouse, Sloss Furnace, the Old South Pittsburgh Hospital & was on the only team to investigate abandoned hospitals in the Birmingham, Alabama metro area. Her experiences in the field have led her into more research & education seeking answers to be better able to help her clients.

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Cameron Live Guest, Danny Cruz June 08, 2018
Talk Radio Personality, UFO Follower

CNA, LA TALK RADIO Personality, Tough Mudder/California Constituent/teleportation/USAF/Senator Feinstein/Area 51/UFOs/Grays/Close Encounters/Sales Rep at CHQ

Cameron Live Guest, Amber Martinez June 08, 2018
Actress, Model

Amber Martinez is an American born actress of Scottish, Spanish, and Dutch descent. 

Multi-talented/driven/successful young Model/Actress working internationally & locally in the US.

John Barbours World Guest, John Potash July 09, 2018

JOHN POTASH has been featured on CSPAN’s American History TV and has been interviewed on dozens of radio stations around the U.S. and abroad. His work has also been published in the Baltimore Chronicle, the City PaperCovert Action QuarterlyRock Creek Free Press, and Z magazine. He has worked counseling people with mental health issues and addictions for over twenty-five years.

In May 2015, Potash released his book: Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and other Activists. Potash completed graduate studies at Columbia University. He published his first book, The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders, in 2007.