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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Interviewing The Legends Guest, Arthur Brown December 29, 2020
English rock singer and songwriter best known for his flamboyant and theatrical performances with The Crazy World of Arthur Brown and 'The God of HellFire'

The Legendary




Releases New Single



Special Guest on Interviewing the Legends 

with Ray Shasho

Arthur Brown is a truly groundbreaking rock music icon who pioneered a theatrical approach to musical performance that has been cited as an influence on Rock Hall of Famers Alice Cooper and KISS. Going under the memorable moniker The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, the British-born singer achieved breakthrough success with a blockbuster hit single in 1968, the colossal freakout “Fire,” which he used as a launching pad for an incredible career that continues to this day! And today he releases a superb new track, “Zombie Yelp,” just in time to get all the groovy ghoulies, young and old, in the mood for the Halloween season!

Written by Brown and Alan Davey, formerly of British space rock kings Hawkwind, who not only produced the track but performs on it as well, “Zombie Yelp” rides a distinctively spooky retro groove laid down by the vintage keyboards of Vanilla Fudge founder Mark Stein as well as Davey’s driving bass guitar, all of which set the stage for the Brown’s unearthly vocal delivery that ranges from piercing howls to demonic growls. It’s the perfect mix of psych rock ecstasy and campy fun!

Davey shares these thoughts about working on the track, “It was great fun writing this new song with Arthur, he’s always a hoot to work with and his lyrics on this are funny as feck! I’m proud to have mixed and produced it too.”

Stein reflects on his own history with Brown, saying “The Crazy World of Arthur Brown and Vanilla Fudge shared the stage back in the late ‘60s. Arthur is still crazy after all these years and still killin’ it! ‘Zombie Yelp’ is a wild tune with great grooves and lyrics. I had a blast playing organ on it. Just wait till you hear this track…lovin’ it!”

And Brown sums it up perfectly, in his typically enigmatic fashion, “Spirits lagging? Need some help? Dive right in to the ‘Zombie Yelp’!”


‘Gypsy Voodoo’


The Crazy World of Arthur Brown


Zim Zam Zim


The Crazy World of Arthur Brown


For more information about

Arthur Brown


Official Website




Arthur Brown's Crazy World of Lockdown

- House of The Rising Sun

with Dave Pegg (Jethro Tull/Fairport Convention)

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Casper Stockham November 09, 2020
Conservative Republican candidate in Colorado's 7th congressional district


With my Pro-Voice Initiatives I will be YOUR lobbyist in DC while addressing and solving real problems at home! We need bold New Leadership with a New Vision and a New Plan!

I’m a Gulf War veteran; I’m a 100% un-hyphenated American! I love my country and I support President Trump with words and deeds.

I moved to Colorado in 1989 and in that time, I’ve seen the state move further and further to the left and elect more and more Democrats who are pushing an extreme socialist agenda.

So, I’m running for Congress to defeat my opponents on a Pro-American and Free-Market platform.

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, George Athanasopoulos November 09, 2020

From Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Lana McAra November 10, 2020

“Unhealed wounds give us a distorted image of who we are--like looking into a cracked mirror.”  ~Lana McAra

Lana McAra helps people feel younger. Working with clients over the years, she discovered that many symptoms associated with aging are an accumulation of emotional distress and painful memories that affect the body. After clearing the body and the mind of this residue, her clients feel refreshed and renewed. They look and act younger—and they certainly enjoy life a lot more, whatever their age.


Lana is an inspirational speaker and award-winning, best-selling author and ghostwriter of more than 30 books with a million books sold. Her most recent release is Never Date a Narcissist Again available on 


She is a spiritual adviser, clinical hypnotherapist and energy healer. Using a carefully crafted form of guided meditation, she is skilled in Calming Painful Childhood Memories, Quieting Anxiety, Pain Reduction, Dissolving Limiting Beliefs, Phobias, Emotional Freedom, Stress Management, Body Communication, Age-related Distress and Healing.

Lana is a graduate of the San Diego Hypnosis Institute, Hypnosis for Health, and Transform Destiny certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy. She offers private customized sessions as well as group sessions and video programs for more confidence, increased self-worth, and finding purpose—all without willpower.

                                                            _ _ _ _ _


Visit her web site at to receive a free audio download “Throw Away Negative Thoughts in 7 Minutes or Less.”

Now Lana shares her insights with varied audiences, and talks about:




All Roads Lead 65 Max Radio Guest, Dane Stevens November 10, 2020


Dane Stevens is an author, speaker and facilitator. He is the owner and director of An Extraordinary Life a company that promotes healing, spiritual awareness and Self empowerment. He is the developer of the Neuro Trauma Healing Process (NTHP) and the Soul Re-Cognition Process (SRC). These new healing modalities are obtaining profoundly positive results for people dealing with unwanted behaviors, chronic conditions and addictive behaviors. Stevens goal is to show people how to create a connection with their inner life, leading to healing from their past and fulfilling their true potential and happiness.
Dane was a trainer, coach for 15+ years (ACE, AFLCA, CCA, ACC) and started his private practice in the year 2000. He has been facilitating and teaching the Neuro Trauma and Soul Recognition Processes to others since 2010. He has published a book - Reclaim Your Power to Create Your Best Life - that is an introduction and guidebook for the Neuro Trauma Healing Process. He also hosts live and on-line seminars and workshops, and speaks about the processes, healing, Self-awareness and Self-empowerment. His main focus is training others to facilitate the NTHP and SRC processes so more and more people have access to them and can get the healing they want and need.
Dane is originally from the hidden gem, Salmon Arm, in the interior of British Columbia, where he grew up playing in and water skiing on the amazing Shuswap Lake. He has spent seven years in Santa Monica, California, learning about trauma and the nervous system -- while deepening his spiritual practice in the sand and the sun. Dane now resides in the gorgeous Okanagan Valley with his beautiful partner Anne, where they can often be found deep in nature hiking in search of the next most dynamic waterfall. Join me  and Dane Stevens on November 10th 2020 at as we discuss our truth towards healing...

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