Ran for U.S. President in 2020, 2016, and 2012!
Hello fellow Americans. I, Tom Edison, am a 2024 "Independent U.S. Presidential (write-in) Candidate. I am the most qualified individual to be the next President of the United States, because only I have numerous flexible strategies capable of solving all the major problems simultaneously. I am a self educated common man who has learned what strategies really work from a life time of first hand experiences in successfully solving all types of problems cost-effectively. I possess the ability to invent new customized strategies for solving any problem. I am a solution wizard.
I, Tom Edison, am the only common man singer-songwriter and recording artist to ever run from President of the United States, and subsequently through real life experiences I know a lot more about serving the general public than any career politician knows.
I am the only 2024 U.S. Presidential Candidate who has invented new strategies to LOWER the cost of living.
JOB CREATION: I possess the first hand experiential knowledge of how to deploy manual labor to be more cost-effective than big machinery in 4 out of 5 situations. I also have invented several new types of public transportation systems that can be built and maintained with manual labor. Realistic foolproof FLOOD CONTROL can be achieved with manual labor projects. I have invented a detailed plan of how to do this.
EDUCATION: I know what is wrong with public and private systems, and I have detailed plans in regard to fixing them. College students should be allowed to act as co-teachers while still in school. They should also be put in charge of other things.
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WASTE: I am a cost efficiency expert and will personally get involved in trimming down the budget of the federal government as well as personally solving all the V.A. mismanagement problems. Untrustworthy and non-performing federal agencies can eventually be replaced by enthusiastic college students paid hourly wages while still attending school.
BORDER PROBLEMS: Ingenuity is the key to establishing and maintaining secure borders, and I possess "ingenuity".