Full name:
Rebecca Jernigan
Radio Talk Show Host, Channel/Translator for the Elohim, Psychic, Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Cook
Main website
Biography from: http://journeyswithrebecca.com/about/
Rebecca Jernigan – Channel/Translator for the Elohim, Psychic, Mother, Grandmother, Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Cook, Talk Radio Show Host – Her talents and experiences are wide and varied.
Rebecca is a natural energy sensitive possessing the unique ability to define what energy signatures are and what they go to. Her gifts of remote viewing, timeline jumping and clairvoyance combined with her experience in these and many more fields, have resulted in a unique experience for the many who have availed themselves of her services. Her experience includes everything from hosting her own television show, working with police on missing person cases and crime solving, doing readings at psychic fairs, hosting her own radio show, house clearing, developing and teaching classes on meditations and tarot, and much more.
Rebecca’s talents and experiences give her a unique perspective on life and love and what it truly means to be human. With laughter, love and an open heart, she shares the knowledge she has garnered through joy, sorrow, loss and love – from her guides, the Elohim, the guests on her shows, her children, her friends, all those she has come in contact with and the many who surround her.
Reiki Master/Teacher – Usui, Usui Tibetan, Secheim, Karuna, and Tera Mai
Clearsight Divine Healer
Touch of Grace Teacher
Reconnection Practitioner
Matrix Energetics Practitioner
Crystal Healing
Regression Hypnosis Facilitator
Energy Healer
Crystal Healing
ISPR Investigator (International Society for Paranormal Research)
Meditation – includes targeted meditations for relaxation, creating Safe Place, and more
Spirit Guide Communications
Tarot: The Intuitive Approach
Timeline Integration
Release from the Construct (De-programming)
Spirit indentification – includes of this earth and not of this earth entities
Speaker on topic such as:
Energy vortexes, grids and wormholes
What it means to be Human
The Story of Creation as channeled through the Elohim
Ghost hunting – What NOT to do
How to define ESP skills and how to use them
Most any topic as it pertains to the Paranormal/Metaphysical