Full name:
Guy Finley
Radio Talk Show Host, Author, Self-Realization Seminars, Television & Radio Guest Speaker
Main website
Biography from: http://www.guyfinley.org/about/guy-finley
BEST-SELLING "LETTING GO" author Guy Finley's encouraging and accessible message is one of the true bright lights in our world today. His ideas go straight to the heart of our most important personal and social issues -- relationships, success, addiction, stress, peace, happiness, freedom -- and lead the way to a higher life.
Finley is the acclaimed author of The Secret of Letting Go, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living and 35 other major works that have sold over a million copies in 18 languages worldwide. In addition, he has presented over 4,000 unique self-realization seminars to thousands of grateful students throughout North America and Europe over the past 25 years and has been a guest on over 400 television and radio shows, including appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR and many others. He is a member of the faculty of the Omega Institute and a daily contributor to Beliefnet.
Finley is Director of Life of Learning Foundation, the non-profit self-realization school in Merlin, Oregon, and his popular Key Lesson e-mails are read each week by 200,000 subscribers in 142 countries. His work is widely endorsed by doctors, business professionals, celebrities, and religious leaders of all denominations.
Guy's career reached this point through a circuitous path. Born into a successful show business family, he is the son of Late-Night TV and radio pioneer Larry Finley. His childhood friends were the sons and daughters of the most famous celebrities in the world. As a young man Guy enjoyed success in a number of areas including composing award-winning music for many popular recording artists including Diana Ross, The Jackson 5, Billy Preston, The Four Seasons, as well as writing the scores for several motion pictures and TV shows. From 1970-1979 he wrote and recorded his own albums under the Motown and RCA recording labels.
Throughout his youth, Guy suspected there was more to life than the type of worldly success that led to the emptiness and frustration he saw among his own "successful" friends and colleagues. In 1979, after travels throughout North America, India and the Far East in search of truth and Higher Wisdom, Guy voluntarily retired from his flourishing music career in order to simplify his life and to concentrate on deeper self-studies.
In addition to his writing and appearance schedule, Guy presents four inner-life classes each week at Life of Learning Foundation in Merlin, Oregon. These classes are ongoing and open to the public. Click here for more details about Guy's ongoing talks.
JUST AS BRIDGES must be built between cultures and countries, so too must bridges be built to span the distance between the great wisdom teachings of centuries past and our own times. Let Go and Live in the Now is such a bridge. It's gentle but sometimes shocking revelations reach right into the mind of the seeker of the higher life, filling it with a palpable new light that helps bridge the distance between who we are at present and what we may yet become. Each chapter is filled with timeless principles presented in a current context. These principles are made practical and are empowered by the numerous ways in which the author suggests their application to modern-day life. Much more than just a set of “how to” instructions, this is a book whose thought-provoking stories and penetrating insights work directly upon the heart of the reader, to help start the internal process of self-healing. Let Go and Live in the Now is a living example of the timeless wholeness to which it leads its reader. It is gentle and striking, urgent and restive, serious and light-hearted. This book is for any person who longs not just to discover the truth of themselves, but who wishes to become a conscious participant in the great transformation of our Living Universe.
Praise for Let Go and Live in the Now
Let Go and Live in the Now by Guy Finley“What sets his book apart is the stillness that seeps into the heart from simply reading Guy Finley’s gentle insights.”
- Hugh Prather, author of Spiritual Notes to Myself
“If you want more happiness, joy, and fulfillment in your life, read this book and dance in the streets.”
- Michael Toms, New Dimensions World Broadcasting Network
“Guy Finley’s books helped to give my life direction and guided me to meaningful change. On a scale of one to ten, Guy’s books are a 12+!”
- Larry James, author of How to Really Love the One You’re With
“For the gifts of insight which Guy Finley continually brings to our
awareness, we are changed… and are truly, truly grateful.”
- Carolyn Craft, host of Wisdom Radio’s Inner Wisdom
Thousands of people from all walks of life are putting Guy Finley’s powerful message
of self-liberation to work for themselves. Here’s a sampling of their comments:
“Guy Finley has achieved what may very well prove to be the quintessential work in the field of self-help, an important, don’t- be-without, navigational guide through the personal universe of internal conflict. In his inspired manual, Guy’s gift of insight shows us a simple and natural way to let go of our unnecessary suffering…. (something a $200 an hour Beverly Hills shrink would be hard pressed to do!)”
- Tony Martin, Jr., Composer-Producer
“Guy and I connected once again for a very powerful hour of radio. I always get a lift when we talk and the listeners obviously do as well. I have dubbed him, ‘The resident philosopher’ of the program. I look forward to speaking with him again in the future!”
- Jordan Rich of “The Jordan Rich Show,” WBZ-AM Boston
“Guy Finley’s books are essential for positive living and achieving your maximum potential.”
- Suzanne Somers, Actress/Author
“My Listener response was tremendous, and Guy’s ability to explain difficult concepts with easy-to-grasp practical examples make him one of the truly important voices of our times.”
- KABC, Los Angeles, CA
“The hour I spent with Guy Finley was inspiring. Bravo! He changed many lives that night. Fantastic job! He’ll be with us again and again.”
- WARA, Attleboro, MA
“Thank you so much for the terrific interview. After the show aired, more listeners called to get the address. You are incredible!”
- WEZC, Charlotte, NC
“Meet best-selling author Guy Finley. His books… have been described as navigational guides through the personal universe of self-conflict. He has helped millions live fuller more peaceable lives.”
- Barnes & Noble Booksellers
“If there is ever a Noble Peace Prize awarded for outstanding work in the field of ‘Self-Freedom,’ Guy Finley will head the short list of nominees.”
- Dr. William Colson, Past President, Church of Religious Science
“Guy Finley doesn’t just talk about self-freedom…but leads you through the doors of yourself into a Higher World within yourself where you discover you are already free!”
- Alan Corbeth, Executive Producer, Coast to Coast with Art Bell
“Our audience loved the insight of Guy Finley and responded with numerous live telephone calls.”
- WJCW, Johnson City, TN
“Guy Finley’s appearance on WBEN’s Newsday generated many calls. It’s obvious listeners are looking for this information.”
- WBEN, Buffalo, NY
“A world-renowned expert at the forefront of human potential.”
- Nightingale-Conant, World’s Largest Producer of Motivational Books-On-Tape
Hundreds of Appearances on Local and National Radio/TV Programs Across America
Wisdom Channel, New Dimensions with Michael Toms, Coast-to-Coast with Art Bell, Entertainment Tonight, PBS, NPR, CNN, David Essel Alive, Talk Radio Network, USA Today and Hundreds of other Talk Show Appearances including:
KOA – Denver, CO WGR – Buffalo, NY KMBC – Kansas City, MO KABC – Los Angeles, CA WAAM – Detroit, MI KIDO – Boise, ID WTNY – Watertown, NY WVON – Chicago, IL WRC – Silver Spring, MD KMPC – LA, CA WHIO – Dayton, OH KDWN – Las Vegas, NV WWKB – Buffalo, NY WJON – St. Cloud, MN WDZ – Decatur, IL WLLH – Boston, MA WWJ – Southfield, MI KNST – Tucson, AZ WTAX – Springfield, IL WKEM – Dover, DE WOKQ – Dover, NH WCRM – Chicago, IL WMHK – Columbia, SC WICC – Bridgeport, CT WBZ – Boston, MA WERE – Cleveland, OH WTOY – Madison, WI WJCW – Johnson City, TN WKBN – Youngstown, OH KLOS – LA, CA KFAX – Fremont, CA WCEV – Chicago, IL KDAL – Duluth, MN KWAB – Boulder, CO WLEA – Hornell, NY WDLX – Greenville, SC KOHO – Honolulu, HI WJFK – Baltimore, MD KSDO – San Diego, CA KVEL – Vernal, UT KTRY – Monroe, LA WBUT – Pittsburgh, PA KGAM – Palm Springs, CA KSOO – Sioux Falls, SD KVET – Austin, TX WRVA – Richmond, VA WAVG – Louisville, KY WAPI – Birmingham, AL KIEV – Pasadena, CA WRRO – Warren, OH WBKV – West Bend, IL WNOX – Knoxville, TN WNCI – Columbus, OH WFBG – Altoona, PA KPFK – LA, CA