Dr. Lyn Hughes, creator and host of Live From PNM is also the Founder and president emeritus of the National A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum, the first Black labor history museum in Chicago. Her work with the museum has been featured on numerous occasions in electronic and print media, both on the local and national level. A few examples include an appearance on ABC's Good morning America interviewed by Robin Roberts, interviewed by other veteran journalist such as CBS's Randall Pinkston, featured in printed media, examples of which are: USA Today, Essence, AARP, the Chicago Tribune; and author of "An Anthology of Respect: The Pullman Porters National Historic Registry", the preface of which was written by renowned historian Lerone Bennett.
Dr. Hughes has served as a consultant on numerous documentary films on the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, one of which was the 2003 original SHOWTIME docudrama 10,000 Black Men Named George. She has been a speaker on this subject for over two decades.
Created the traveling exhibition "From Servitude to Civil Rights", which has toured nationally for the past five years
Fifteen years’ experience with cultural economic development projects.
Specialties: Historian on the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters labor union, Museum Curator and Exhibit Design, Cultural Policy & Cultural Economic Development and, Tourism Attraction development strategy for urban communities
" I Love traveling nationally and internationally, as a lecturer on Cultural Economic Development and, Black labor history, with an emphasis on A. Philip Randolph and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. The BSCP was America's first Black labor union chartered under the AFL.
Honors & Awards
Living Legacy Award
Association For The Study of African American Life And HIstory (ASALH)
Additional Honors & Awards
- U.S Department Of Housing And Urban Development: Organizing and Planning For Economic Development
- Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars 2006
- 2007 Distinguished Service Award from the Amistad Research Center
- Who's Who Registry Among Executive and Professional Women 2008