About DR. Jeffery Smith Psy.D., MFT, AC
Dr. Smith is a Licensed Psychotherapist practicing for over 24 years in Vista, California. He developed a Strategic approach toward counseling that entails a thorough patient history, clinical observation, diagnostic brain imaging, use of psychological technologies, such as the emWave Personal Stress Reliever, the MRS2000 Magnetic Resonance Stimulation system and Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) to assist patients in achieving their life goals. In the last decade, Dr. Smith has expanded his orientation for wellness to include more of a spiritual awareness and awakening. He is actively using meta-physical energy that shows up in his treatment sessions to help his clients resolve past life trauma, connect with departed loved ones and develop an awareness of the higher self that is always available to love us, energize and guide us in our daily lives.
Dr. Smith specializes in the area of Spiritual Development, Personal Growth and Performance Enhancement. Additionally, he incorporates the use of Brain Imaging technology in the treatment of Mood Disorders, Substance Abuse, Relational Conflict & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
More recently, Dr. Smith has begun providing therapy for the treatment and recovery of past life trauma that is being triggered by present life circumstances. Additionally, Dr. Smith has created a therapeutic protocol for more spiritually minded people who are open to the idea of connecting with their higher self and using that resource as a way to obtain guidance and helping us practice the art of loving ourselves and others.
Dr. Smith conducts training sessions, seminars and public speaking for various groups, and organizations. He also co-hosts a weekly podcast called “Adventures in Truth” where he and his co-host conduct a deep dive into the origin of the truth’s we hold dear. Concurrently, Jeffrey leads the Strategic Recovery Institute (SRI) www.strategicrecoveryinstitute.com which is a non-profit organization developing goods and services to sustain the way we generate energy, produce water, grow food, create transportation and approach wellness.
Jeffrey served 21 years in the U.S. Marine Corps. He received extensive tactical training as an infantryman and scout sniper. After receiving a regular commission, he trained as a Bombardier / Navigator (BN) in the A-6 Intruder attack jet and Weapons and Sensors Officer (WSO) in the F/A-18 Hornet.
Jeffrey is an avid fitness and nutrition expert and regularly engages in extreme sports activities for healthy recreation. He resides in in Oceanside, California where he is active with his 4 children and 2 grandchildren.