Hunting may be a strong word, yet accurate. There is something out there we do not understand, we know it is there, but because of the limited knowledge our understanding of it becomes complicated... almost impossible.
I go to places with the understanding those things do exist, I don't need to investigate the likelihood of that existence. I use hunting techniques to find or bring the unknown to me.
Once I have it, I am determined to prove exactly what it is that goes bump in the night.
What's the sense of hunting and discovering your trophies if you have no one to tell about it? "The Kentucky Ghost Hunter Show" has been on several radio stations, and podcasts throughout the year. I will show you what I caught, then talk about it.
There are people out there that deal with things in their home they are really scared of. Whether these are called ghosts, demons, or spirits they want help, and I'm here to help if requested. There are questions that need be answered and my services are free! I'll be there if I can, just ask!
Any person can ask for help, I have a network of people who deal in the paranormal globally, so don't be afraid to ask. I can get you help.