Master Prophet James T. Johnson was born in Wiggins, MS in the year of 1972. At the age of 9 years old this powerful bold man of God began to hear the voice of the Lord. At the young age of 9 years old he recognized that he although the same age as his young peers, he was different from the other children. As his teen age years begin Master Prophet James T. Johnson gave his life to the Lord at 13 years old.
After surrendering to the will of God at the age of 17 years old, the Lord began to speak to him more. The Lord ministered to Master Prophet Johnson as He did other Prophets before him. The Lord revealed His purpose to him. That purpose was to be a Prophet to Nations. The spirit of the Lord began talking to Master Prophet, revealing things about his friends, warning him of foes. By the time Master Prophet Johnson reached adulthood at the age of 21, the Lord called him to preach the Gospel to His people. Master Prophet James T. Johnsons reflects, that the moment he began preaching the word of God, his life was forever changed, giving praises and glory to God. Enemies have been attacking Master Prophet Johnson ever since.
As time went on, the Lord Jesus, through the years, showed him more and more His purpose, which is for His people. The Master Prophet has endured much, throughout good times and bad, through the ups and downs, dealing with evil torments, with the blessings from God that strengthens him. The evil torments resulted from hexes, as people used witchcraft upon him. The latter applies because the Master Prophet stands on:
Psalms 105:15 Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Master Prophet James T. Johnson went through the school of hard knocks. You see the Lord gave Him the power to break witchcraft and throw down all evil that cometh, in all ways and in the ways of others.
Master James T. Johnson insight of the prophecy gift the Lord blessed him with, is substantial. The Master Prophet's hefty discerning of spirits is a gift which is sharper than a nail, allowing him to see everything. The Master Prophet enjoys casting out devils for fun. It's a gift that amazes him, because He loves being used by the Lord to set souls free. The Master Prophet frequently looks for people who are demon possessed, so that the Lord can use him to set them free, and release them from their evil torment. The Master Prophet has a traveling ministry. The Lord uses him tremendously. He has no fear! Master Prophet James T. Johnson stated, He never would've believed that a young boy from a small town in Mississippi would be able to do what God has commissioned Him and allowed Him to do, from breaking strongholds in people's lives to breaking generational curses, so that they may go on living without evil and the problems that ensue.