Anthony is now a regular co-host on Freedom’s Flame Radio! He lives and works in South Wales, United Kingdom, and has been on the path of spiritual awakening for many years. He offers healing treatment/therapies, and Intuitive Coaching, he writes & records his own songs and guided meditations. He is currently working with A Course in Miracles (ACIM) which has greatly accelerated his awakening and holds ACIM Self-Help and Study Groups locally in his area. He will be offering his experience mainly through Inspiration and ACIM teachings to help successfully navigate the barriers and hurdles that hold many back. A Course in Miracles has been described as a mystical mind training and spiritual psychotherapy as well as being a path to liberation and enlightenment it teaches the student how to unlearn and release all the misperceptions in the mind. ACIM especially suites the untrained western mind. His Desire: To be free of all limiting beliefs and sustain-ably live as authentically as possible in my ‘I AM Presence’ or ‘True Self’ and share what I have learned and experienced to help and assist in the healing, awakening and harmonizing of human consciousness for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan.