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For a long time we've held space for an intention based reality.
Galactic Crowd Funding
Broadcast Date

For a long time we've held space for an intention based reality.  A reality where we know there is abundance for all.  A reality where each of us are able to focus our energy and time on the dreams and missions that stir our souls, rather than laboring 9 to 5 just to earn enough "green pieces of paper with squiggles on them" that we then exchange to meet the basic needs of our lives.

Recently James has been introduced to such a vision that has energetically been confirmed as being a very powerful collaboration of community and a way for each of you to live your dreams.  It's a new paradigm, an exciting way of thinking.  

Tonight James will share with you what he's learned about this collaboration and hopefully stir within you the excitement of knowing that 2015 is the year that you can once and for all start living your dream while helping others (including ECETI) to do the same. 

Join James as he and Myles Saputo introduce you to Galactic Crowd Funding.