Episode 7 introduces Richard Yeargin, a 2014 Watkins Award Honoree from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He was the top defensive end in the nation coming out of high school. From an academic choice and perspective, Richard could have chosen any college to attend but decided to go and earn a degree and play football for a rising powerhouse called Clemson University. Richard finished at Clemson with 2 degrees, a Bachelor's Degree in Business and a Master's in Athletic Leadership. He also got the opportunity to earn a National Championship while at Clemson. Having an extra year of eligibility to play football, Richard chose Boston College to continue his football career and secure another Master's Degree in Health Care Administration. He's currently a rising executive in Corporate America with no place to go but up.
Richard Yeargin, a 2014 Watkins Award Honoree from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He was the top defensive end in the nation coming out of high school
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