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War Report on the Road - Buffalo New York - The People's Story on the Privatization of Buffalo Schools
Future of Buffalo Schools
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War Report on the Road - Buffalo New York - The People's Story on the Privatization of Buffalo Schools

Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. as he reports live from Buffalo NY in the sixth of his reports about “The People’s Story". Joining Dr. Miller this week will be education activists Eve Shippens and Kate Shands Haq.

Buffalo is ground zero in this war against public education and is set up to be the next all charter school district. This show will highlight the Buffalo parent-teacher organized resistance to the privatization of their schools.

Eve Shippens is a parent, teacher and alumni of the Buffalo Public Schools. She is fighting for the children's right to an equitable, quality, enriching public education. Buffalo has a child poverty rate of close to 50% and is one of the most segregated cities in the country. Eve became active in the fight when the state of New York declared her school, along with three others, out of time and decided to shut them down. She fought with hundreds of students, teachers, families and other activists to keep the schools open and public!

Kate Shands Haq is also a parent- teacher activist fighting to keep Buffalo Public Schools public.

This show will show you the power of a small resistance to overcome the neo-liberal agenda to destroy public schools and privatize the education of the children of Buffalo.




Dr. Miller will also spend the last 10 minutes of the show reporting on his activities last week in gathering interviews for The People's Story.