Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. for at look at how we label our children in our schools and in society. Does this labeling help our children or does it hurt them? Does it help teachers and administrators or does it backfire on them? Is labeling our children as "at-risk" analogous to the "pre-cogging" process in the 2002 Tom Cruise movie Minority Report. Watch this clip and you will get a better idea of the dangers involved.
Dr. Miller will explain how and why the AT-RISK category and label creates problems for students and teachers. The use and misuse of this category and label has the potential to redress issues of social justice. It can also stigmatized and put students in harm's way - shaping and defining their life chances and opportunities in destructive ways. Everyone is at risk for something - now - including teachers and administrators.
The Minority Report displaces this paradox perfectly.
The system for ID-ing at-risk STUDENTS is prefect until it comes after the ones in charge of enforcing the system - placing them at risk - the at-risk definers and enforcers become the at-riskers.
Please join us on Sunday and learn how the way we are sorting and labeling our children is backfiring on us all.
Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr. for at look at how we label our children in our schools and in society.
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