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UFO Abductees, Experiencers and Contactees: A discussion with James Gililand
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UFO Abductees, Experiencers and Contactees:

A discussion with James Gililand

Sri and Kira share a wonderful LIVE show with founder James Gililand as they dive deeply into the world of UFO’s and those who have had communications with them.

James is a well-know contactee so prepare for some revelations that are being shared for the very first time. If we can let go of being the only people in the universe we open to the greater potentiality of all life!

Are there benevolent extraterrestrials that are soon to make undeniable contact with us and if so, how will that look? Go far beyond hollywood and open your heart along with your mind as together we explore the universe!

The lines are open for your questions, comments and mini soul reading requests!