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Sri and Kira LIVE
Broadcast Date

Is your life the Illusion of Density or the gift of Ascended Awareness?

April 2016!  The roaring LION of powerful momentum is asking:  ARE YOU READY to DIVE into your truth without doubt as you live the life you want?  Or, are you standing at the precipice; afraid to leap into the unknown?

The truth is that EVERYTHING is changing!  The world is seemingly spinning out of control and Chaos keeps creeping to new heights!  The political arena is in dissention and Earth’s climate more fragile with each passing day.  Can all of humanity move forward and make the leap?

TUNE in to this ILLUMINATING show as Sri & Kira offer light-filled guidance on the ILLUSION so you can easily navigate the impending storm with greater ease and grace.  YOU ARE READY to live your dreams!  NOW is the moment to CLAIM your abundant nature as you BOLDLY step forward with confidence and clarity.  Tune in and discern more of the bigger picture! 

Call-in with your most heart-felt questions or comments or the gift of a Mini Soul Reading and allow your heart to awaken to the truth that you can co-create a life of Peace, Love and JOY!