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Spouting Off! Tuesdays 2pm MT, 4pm ET
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It has been Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh all the time. Yes, Karen will definitely talk about this in the first half of today's show. Heck, she's been writing about it, guesting on other talk radio shows around the country and writing Op Eds.  BUT, there is another bombshell of a story that has gotten short shrift and that is James O'Keefe's work with Project Veritas. He has exposed actual socialists working for the Democratic Socialists of America in the State Department and doing it on the tax payer dime.  Think the legacy media cares about this story?  Uh, nope.

Then, Karen is delighted to have as her guest, Michael J. Dougherty an FBI-Deep State Analyst and author of "The Devil Inside the Beltway." Karen will talk to Michael about Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, FISA warrants and the on-going saga.