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Master Jesus with William Michael Forbes, Spiritual Medium, Channel and intuitive life coach
Master Jesus with William Michael Forbes,  Spiritual Medium, Channel and intuitive life coach
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William Michael Forbes, Spiritual Medium, Channel and Intuitive Life Coach.

Author of How to Kill Suicide (With reason to live)

Connect to higher knowledge, your guides, angels, ascended beings and others. Michael uses all of his claire’s. By raising his vibration he is able to connect to higher knowledge, guides, angels, ascended beings and others. Messages can then be passed through to the recipient. The information doesn’t come from him, he receives information from those in the Spirit World. Michael is merely the messenger!

A private reading is a three-way process involving Spirit, the medium and the client. I act as the ‘middleman’ between you, here in the physical world, and the Spirit World. Connecting with non-physical beings is an innate and natural way for humans to co-exist and interact with other realms and dimensions of consciousness.

The human body is a transmitting and receiving station that transmits and receives information not only through the five physical senses but also through the five non-physical senses called claire’s called; Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Claire-audience (clear hearing), Claire-cognizance (Clear knowing), Claire-Sentience (Clear Feeling) and Claire-Salience (Clear Smelling). These claire’s often get grouped under the single heading known as intuition.

These claire’s are the non-physical senses of your SOUL and allow you to perceive and observe the non-physical world as your physical senses allow you to perceive the material world. Unfortunately, these intuitive senses often never get the attention and development our physical senses do because most of us have been conditioned to believe that only the physical world is real. 

Tune in as Micheal talks about...

1. His brush with death standing on a bridge, 131 feet up from the ground, about to jump!

2. Connecting with Guides, Angels and other Multi-dimensional beings.

3. How his trip through Newfoundland changed his life.

4. Master Jesus and his messages to earth.

a) What happened that he became fluidly communicating messages from Ascended Masters, Angels, guides and loved ones.

5. Does consciousness exist beyond perceptible matter?

6. Can humans learn to communicate with the awarenesses of those who have left the Physical body?

7. Why can't most people consciously communicate with individuals that have passed into non-physical consciousness?

8. What is the difference between the energy of love and the energy fear?

9. What is the relationship between climate change and the collective emotions of humans and animals?

10. Is emotion the fifth state of energy?

11. How people can cultivate different states of emotions to heal their minds and bodies and change their current life circumstances at will?

12. Do people learn to intentionally alter their DNA?

13. Is everyone born with a purpose, a reason for being?

14. How do we generate meaning in our lives when it may feel meaningless?

15. What are our non-physical senses for perception?

16. Is it possible for anyone to learn to develop their non-physical senses for increased awareness?

William Michael Forbes, I am a Spiritual Medium, Channel and intuitive life coach