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Simple Steps To Living An Energized And Passionate Life! Health Coaching - Grief Counseling - Biological Decoding
Cathrine Elizabeth Silver Holistic Health Counselor.
Broadcast Date

Ep. # 320: Simple Steps To Living An Energized And Passionate Life!

Health Coaching - Grief Counseling - Biological Decoding

Create happy, healthy lives in a way that is flexible, fun, and FREE of denial and discipline!

Guest: Cathrine Elizabeth Silver, Holistic Health Counselor

Author of Riding the Light Beam--How Any Woman Can Find the Hero Inside.

FREE 20-Minute Health Consultation! Get a free 20-minute health consultation to get an overview and understanding of how the biological decoding or grief counseling process would work. Call or email Cathy to schedule: Email •

Phone • 954-661-1972

Cathrine Silver is a Certified Holistic Health Coach. She has a private practice in Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, and works collaboratively with clients on their desires regarding relationships, spirituality, career, physical activity, nutrition and loss. Suffering through her own loss in 2005, Cathrine motivates and empowers others to be leaders and not rely on someone else for their happiness, joy, and well-being.

Cathrine holds a degree in Speech Communication from the University of Washington. Since 2006 she has hosted Metaphysical Monday with an emphasis on soul communication, also known as channeling. Cathrine graduated from the Institute for Integrated Nutrition in 2013. She holds certifications in Reiki, Matrix Energetics and Grief Counseling. She has done much work in the area of personal transformation with Summit Education. She completed the culinary instructors training program with the Conscious Gourmet last summer and she in the process of completing her certification for decoding biological disease with Enrique Bouron. She both volunteered and worked for the Dying to Live Foundation and facilitated the Parent-Child Retreats for mothers who had lost children.

Tune in Cathy will be discussing...

Health Coaching - Grief Counseling - Biological Decoding

1. Paradigm-shifting and changing.

2. An expanded way to think and understand our health & well-being, as well as our dis-ease and illness.

3. How to treat illness, must include all the pieces that make up the whole: body, mind, and spirit!

4. Illness is a message from "us" to "us" that says we have these things that need to resolve and heal.

5. How else does spirit get our attention?

6. What is Biological Decoding, as it is called in the U.S.

7.  Why is biological decoding important to our listening audience?

8. Would you call this a metaphysical approach to healing and dis-ease?

9. Is this really about connecting the dots--and understanding the messages our body is trying to give us?

10. Things that may be unresolved-at a subconscious level that we may not be aware of?

11. The "missing" link.

and much more!

Biological Decoding
Health Coaching
Grief Counseling