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SpirituallyRAW Ep 372 Theta Brain State Akashic Records
SpirituallyRAW Ep 372 Theta Brain State Akashic Records
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Ep. #372 Theta Brain State Akashic Records

Guest, Sharon L. Caren, Spiritual Intuitive, Speaker, & Coach

Back in the early 1930's and 40's, Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, brought the term Akashic Record into public awareness.

Sharon Caren began working in the Akashic Record for individuals over the past 20+ years. This work brings more peace, love, and success after you understand what's going on in the Spirit World....the rest of the story, so to speak. 

"The difference between Edgar Cayce and today is, I read Akashic Records in the Theta brain state and Cayce actually read the records in the sleep state.” This is Evolution!

Sharon has over 20 years of experience working with thousands of people like you to remember who you truly are on the Soul level as well as your life purpose here on Earth this lifetime. Sharon provides tools to access your intuition, your soul has all the answers. This is realized through a deep heart connection to your Soul and connection to the Infinite while in a finite body.

Why have you come here? To aid in your Soul's journey to evolve.

Sharon answers to:

  1. Why all this aggression and terrorism in the world?

  2. Looking around at all the suffering in the world and wonder why we are all here?

  3. What's God doing about it?

  4. If God is good, why are people murdering each other?

  5. Is this all there is?

  6. How to rid all the negativity around you.

  7. Why you live in poverty no matter how hard you work?

  8. Wonder why you can't attain success?

  9. Where are the Miracles?

  10. Deep feeling you've been here before.

  11. Why do babies die?

    12. Where the Hell is Heaven?

Sharon L. Caren, Spiritual and Wellness Coach
Sharon L. Caren, Spiritual and Wellness Coach