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SpirituallyRAW Ep 370 The GREAT AWAKENING Is On with Salini Teri Apodaca
SpirituallyRAW Ep 370 The GREAT AWAKENING Is On with Salini Teri Apodaca
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Guest, Salini Teri Apodaca

“Big change is underway folks, and cannot be stopped. We need to stay focused on visualizing the new world as the Fourth Reich/Deep State/Modern Rome falls and the new Aquarian Paradigm is revealed. Your lives will be beautiful again. But before a rebirth comes the death of the old structure....the decaying leaves of the old world create the mulch for the birth of new growth. Stay in faith”.

-Salini Teri Apodaca
Salini Teri Apodaca is a survivor of the CIA MK-Ultra trauma-based mind control/sex slavery program. Salini deprogrammed and healed herself, and in the process developed a program for healing trauma, mind-control and addictions, and restoring the fractured spirit of humanity.


Salini details; The Great Awakening, Matrix, CV-19 Manufactured Satanic Ritual Scam, Stale Energies, Toxic Emotions, Explosive Astrological Alignment, Pluto & Capricorn Bring Down the Deep-State, the Earth Will Split Upper 5D - Lower 3D, Divine Flash, and much more!!

1 Incoming energies?

  1. Why are they speeding up?

  2. How they are affecting us all and what they mean.

  3. What is the Kali Yuga and what it means for us today

  4. The dissolution of the 3D matrix?

  5. The emergence of the Age of Aquarius.

  6. Lifting of the veils.

  7. The emergence of the divinity of each soul.

  8. Collective mind control going on right now

  9. How we are defeating it with the truth?

  10. The astrology of what's going on.

SpirituallyRAW Ep 370 The GREAT AWAKENING Is On with Salini Teri Apodaca
SpirituallyRAW Ep 370 The GREAT AWAKENING Is On with Salini Teri Apodaca