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Ep. 307 The 5 Secret Pathways To Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment
Gina Gardiner Motivational Speaker, Empowerment and Relationship Coach, and Transformational Leadership Trainer
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Ep. #307 The 5 Secret Pathways To Happiness, Success, and Fulfillment

GUEST 1: Gina Gardiner's journey has not been an easy one. After a serious ski accident, she became the Head (Principal) and ran a school for twenty-one years --mostly from a wheelchair. Gina is the No 1 Best seller, of ‘Thriving Not Surviving – The 5 Secret Pathways To Happiness, Success and Fulfillment’ and founded The Thrive Together Tribe. She is a Motivational Speaker, Empowerment and Relationship Coach, and Transformational Leadership Trainer with well over 30 years of experience helping people experience happiness, success and fulfillment.

GUEST 2: James and Steph Purpura have overcome the deepest darkest moments of their lives to create amazing lives. Fast forward 15 years, after many ups and downs and a lot of hard work, they recently sold their tech company, one of the world’s largest construction software companies! They have created a personal evolution company called Powerful U, along with producing a film, book, and assessment to help others transform their lives through evolving their Perceptions. Authors of Perception: Seeing is Not Believing.

Gina Gardiner is a No1 International Bestselling Author, Motivational Speaker, Empowerment and Relationship Coach, and Transformational Leadership Trainer
James and Steph Purpura Authors of Perception: Seeing is Not Believing