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Joe talks to us about what he experienced during his 2 NDE’s that led him to understand his life’s purpose. He shares his struggle with what he experienced, as he was an atheist. Since Joe’s second NDE in 2003 he aligned with our truth of eternal existence and since then has been creating and using his art and other modalities to help individuals and groups find inner healing and self-empowerment. Joe talks to us about his workshops that he is holding for groups called Inner Immersion Modality Practice.

Solomon talks to us about the idea that for humanity, regardless of where you may think we are headed; there are no real boundaries to our potential. It is up to us as individuals to be the change we want to see. What you are in alignment with is what will be reflected back to you and the collective reflection is created by our individual reflections. By focusing on the fear that you may perceive will move you in that direction. There’s a delicate balance between being aware and being pulled in that direction.