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Senator Brown has been invited to speak in Portugal at the Consulate about the 'American Dream' so he will not be with us.
Dr. John Huber, Clinical Forensic Psychologist
Broadcast Date

Senator Brown has been invited to speak in Portugal at the Consulate about the 'American Dream' so he will not be with us. Our guest this week is Clinical Forensic Psychologist, Dr. John Huber! We'll be discussing the Golden State Killer, his modus operandi, the volume of his victims, the cold-bloodedness, the fact that he was a police officer, and how this compares or is dissimilar from other serial killers.

Dr. John Huber is a mental health professional and university professor that has been in mental health for over twenty years. His experience began as a School Psychologist. Today, he is in private practice as a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.  He is the Chairman of Mainstream Mental Health where the goal is to help people get mental health services. The target market for services are underprivileged and underinsured youth, veterans, and their families.  Join us!

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