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Our guests this week are 'WE THE PEOPLE FOR SENSIBLE GUN LAWS'.
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Our guests this week are 'WE THE PEOPLE FOR SENSIBLE GUN LAWS'. They are a group of citizens from DC, MD, and VA who have been demonstrating for sensible gun laws since the Aurora Colorado Theater shooting in July 2012 and have recently reached out to the NRA to try to have a dialog. On July 27th, 2017 it was exactly five years of Mondays that they have been in front of the White House from 11am-1pm with signs, banners, and other materials talking to people  from all over the country and from all over the world. They speak with people one on one about the importance of having common sense gun regulations. They are not an "organization," but  an ordinary group of concerned citizens seeking to make change in our culture of violence. Let's hear what they have to say!