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“Embodying The Divine Masculine of All Truth Through The High Priest,"
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In the new book, “Embodying The Divine Masculine of All Truth Through The High Priest," the newest release this summer published by Big Country Publishing by one of our Australian Authors, Carmel Glenane, B.A. Dip. Ed. Carmel Glenane helps you explore and take control of your creative masculine. The High Priest offers a practical guide to living powerfully, with truth, changing your definition of your current reality.  Explore your creative masculine and discover your power. Have you ever felt powerless in situations, relationships etc.? All Truth teaches you to give power back to yourself when you are fearful.Do you want to tap into a goldmine of power and feel respect for yourself, bringing peace and dignity?Do you know that truth is the greatest elixir you can give your intelligent heart? It is an electrical current, as it propels your energy bringing more power and light.