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Merv Ritchie, Veteran Canadian Journalist
Broadcast Date

​Th​e Disappeared of Canada, Past and Present: Who and What is to Blame

​Part One of a Special West Coast Investigative Report

This Sunday October 9 on Radio Free Kanata

3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern​


​A legacy of systemic genocide and corporate destruction has made Canada's west coast a hot spot for continued disappearances of aboriginal women and children. A "Night and Fog" cloak of official secrecy has protected criminals within the police, courts, churches and government.

This first program in a series on the crime scene called Canada features veteran journalist Merv Richie from Terrace, British Columbia. Merv has been targeted by the RCMP, BC government and Catholic church for his investigations into missing native women and state complicity in their deaths.

With your regular host Kevin Annett.